Lockdown changes

>your cunt
>what has the lockdown changed for you?
literaly the only thing is that i cant go to the gym anymore. Now i just sit home alone all day

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Everything has changed for the better except I don't get to see my gf as much.

>less drinking beacuse no pubs
>no smoking because cigarettes are too expensive
>no long walks
>no certainty that I'll see her any time soon
>the synth I order one month ago still won't arrive
>the albums I ordered a month ago won't come
Tried to be like pic related, but it's not advisable for my lungs to stay in aroom full of smoke

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made me quit the army. just came home today

no walk to college, no walk to job,more time to work out and more time to just stand still and stare at the Jewish settlement near me and waste the time without working out or studying

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My lifestyle hasn't changed at all

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>literaly the only thing is that i can't go to the gym anymore
Exactly me. I'm trying to do what I can at home to keep my gainz until they open again.
I also used to go out with some of my friends every two or three weeks and I kind of miss that too, but not as much as the gym.

Do you think its still worth to invest in a pullup bar? Dunno when gyms are gonna open again.

could seethan attack at any moment?

>lockdown changes
t. neet for 7 years

I happen to have one and for me it's worth it. If you have one it's way easier to hit back with your own bodyweight.

>got $1200 for free
>roam the forests less because govtfags and normalfags now roam them because they have freetime from toilberg.

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wtf is seethan

Nice to see that our people are based.

Ok bro, gonna consider it

quit smoking, more free-time, less stress, getting bored of vidya and doing gardening. amassing wealth due to my wage. no thots to distract me. doing home workouts and getting slimmer. life is good

>Now i just sit home alone all day
More time to talk with your Yas Forums buddies

Absolutely nothing, I still sit in my room and play video games all day long and jerk off occasionally. Don't get what the big fuss is about

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My hair is longer than usual sice the barbershops are closed. Also no uni classes (but I never went either way)

You guys don't even have lockdown, it has even been on the news here several times

Not being able to go out and party every single day or going on a skiing-vacation is the same as a lockdown to normalfags. They literally can't stand my lifestyle, they go insane.

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Uni is closed, and now nothing can distract me from crushing existential despair.

What do you think when you stare at the settlement?

Now I have wear a mask when I go shopping, that's about it.

>gained some weight
>drunken pretty much every day
>spend way to much money on food
>positiv: got closer with the gf, we take long walks 2-3 times a week now

Working out 45 min a day since 12 days. I doubt there will be visible change by May, but we'll see.


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The project I was working was suspended.
I can't go to the Swimming pool.
I had to manually pay my debt.
I am stuck with my parents.

haven't smoked in a month, it's easier to breathe. i could use this as a good chance to quit, but i probably won't.

Completely unchanged except I can't have band practice or go to the guitar shop

can't go to the gym and have to do uni work at home