Do you support the establishment of WMAF Hapa ethnostate in Andaman & Nicobar Islands?

Do you support the establishment of WMAF Hapa ethnostate in Andaman & Nicobar Islands?

>"During the independence of both India (1947) and Burma (1948), the departing British announced their intention to resettle all Anglo-Indians and Anglo-Burmese on these islands to form their own nation, although this never materialised. It became part of India in 1950 and was declared as a union territory of the nation in 1956."

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I don't consider half-indian half anglos as hapas at all


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how about Macanese people in Macau

Pic related is the only Anglo Indian I know. He's a member of parliament to represent the Anglo Indians.

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Looks like a brazilian

why do indians allow these mutts to exist?

>half Indian

come home vhite man

> The documented Anglo-Indian population dwindled from roughly two million at the time of independence in 1947 to 300,000 - 1,000,000 by 2010. T
Kek and the anglos say they don't racemix

When the British left the government was concerned that the Anglo Indians might be targeted for their association with the Empire. A lot of their houses were burned and they were forced to leave to Britain during 1947 civil war. So after independence the government created a commission to protect the Anglo Indians from violence.

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Half Indians aren’t hapas, they’re Indians. Hapas are a white subgroup.

Boris Karloff was British and Russian.

anglo-indians also refers to unadmixed anglos born in india not just mutts
are there still a lot of them in india?

Yep, he had Indian ancestry from both parents.

Britishers don't deserve protection

i advocate repatriation of all anglo-indian women to MY DICK

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That’s literally bullshit. He was British.

He's unironically based and redpilled. Despite being a Christian he supports Hindu Nationalism and calls India a Hindu state.

>anglo-indians also refers to unadmixed anglos born in india not just mutts
The article was referring to mutts

the one second from top right never ceases to amaze me

>mfw i have a half poo acquaintance who's always like, hapa, hapa, I'm a hapa, fuck yeah hapa masterrace whenever somenoe mentions half asians

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this one?
it literally says so in the first sentence

do people actually say hapa in real life

> This article focuses primarily on the modern definition, a distinct minority community of mixed Eurasian ancestry, whose native language is English.

Shit, that shit would annoy the fuck out of me. Just straight up tell him he’s Indian, not hapa. I would.

>Charlotte Emma Aitchison
>Naomi Scott
Nice try pajeets. They’re both British. Half Indian half Anglo = Indian.

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True, the one drop rule only applied to Indian and Black people.

Half Asians are considered white.

and the figure is from 1947?? how do you know it's only mutts

>having [x] name means you must be of 100% [x] ancestry
you of all people should understand that this isn't the case

This, but they’re literally posting white women and claiming they’re half pajeets. Half pajeets look still like pajeets from a mile away.

Do Indians treat white people people diffrently based off their nationality ?

Would an englishman in their country be treated the same as an Irish or italain guy ?

this is now a /charli/ thread

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>have English names
>don’t look Indian
>don’t talk Indian
Yeah, they aren’t Indian.

Naomi Scott and Charli XCX are literally Anglo Indians though. You can see the Indian mixture in them.

There is no purer love on this Earth than the love between a white British male and a Punjabi female.

Nah, this was meant to be a hapa qt thread, OP is just dumb or Indian, and snuck Indians in there. Also take your boring Anglo girl to /Brit/.

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Yeah, he just looks like a paki. Also, I'm not that much of a dick or care, really. Plus it's not like he does it all the time. But whenever he does it's absolute cringe.

>You can see the Indian mixture in them.
This is what pajeets would like to believe. They literally look 0% Indian each.

Be quiet pajeet. No one like poo women.

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the thread is about people that are half indian and half anglo, they are literally half indian and half anglo. what about this do you not understand

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Tell him he needs to stop. For the good of hapa qts and smearing their names.

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No, OP said WMAF, then linked some nonsense article about poos. Also, even if the woman in that image is her mom, she doesn’t really look Indian. If she has any Indian heritage it’s a very small amount that doesn’t even matter.

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