Do you know Romania?

Do you know Romania?

Attached: 600px-Flag_of_Romania.svg.png (600x400, 536)

Is that the one with a lot of gypsies?

Never heard of it

who ?

first world

>619,007 (3.3%) gypsys
>19,401,658 Romanians

Attached: 20200228_172431.jpg (1011x992, 551.47K)

Is that Chad?

19 million gypsies

no 619007 gypsies

funny joke mohammed have a (you)

2 different people

One of them is ours, you dingus

Does it matter? Everyone of them has the same name anyway.

sigh.... ok Dumitrescu

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I had a friend in high school who's parents were from Romania.

i went to high school with romania, he was a real putz

Yes, it's a desolate shithole, which is why they all move to Transylvania

lol the vampire country?? that’s not a real place dummy they made it up for dracula!

It's lacking the CoA

Attached: Romênia.png (931x1024, 371.17K)

It's real I swear

return to tradition uk man

Attached: GLLBDP2LRI7SJAEUIJIVT7IKPA.jpg (767x960, 73.8K)

wow, i never would’ve guessed that spain had such a high gypsy population. any hispanics in here that can confirm this?

Without this nigga, no one would know what Romania is

Attached: Vlad-III.jpg (600x450, 18.58K)

haha someone has tricked you my friend. think about it, if vampires aren’t real then how can transylvania be real? well it can’t of course!

i wonder if he was a ladies man. the nickname “the impaler” could be taken several ways.

Why did you remove your own estimate though (3M)?

Is it true that Romanian farmers are given AR-15's to kill Gypsies and stop them from summoning their demon God?

He got raped by Turkish officers like million times during his childhood

Is this what the anglo calls "cope"?

I know Ceausescu, Transylvania and Nadia Comaneci. I know that you generally like France so I like you, ugly flag though.

>those ranges
you gotta love trying to survey people who don't want to be surveyed

>I know that you generally like France
Factually wrong. 19th century Romanian soyboys did, the average Romanian doesn't give a shit about France.
Part of us worships Germany, the other one LARPs as latino.
Just morons who love Peugeot and pretentious thots like France.

I don't care about the average romanian subintellectual peasant though

That's bad, cause the average romanian subintellectual peasant is 90% of this country.
Whoever is a intellectual will prefer any Nordic country or UK.