We call them 外人 meaning "outside man", a reference to White peoples of Europe (Germanic tribes) who in ancient times couldn't form civilization on their own and slept outside
How are White people called in your country/language?
interesting I thought 外人 is used for all foreigners, but then how do you call foreign asian or black looking people?
It's driven from France.
das rite
Generally "Orang Putih", meaning white people or "Mat Saleh", which I have no idea what it even means or how it came to be
Man I don't know if you are proxyfag or some seething Davido but stop making this threads, really
Really shitty joke
I hate japs now
as a guy that have been living for 2 years in korea Whites for the most part are seen as uncouth, overweight hasbeens obsessed with muslims and gays, at the same time pretentious and slightly pathetic not-too-bright heirs pissing away the last remnants of the family fortune.
Lots of young Koreans visit Europe regularly and their feedback is invariably the same: a mix of condescension and snarky sarcasm about about what they perceive (and let’s admit it they’re not entirely wrong about this) as rusty, old, technologically vastly inferior, inefficient, sleepy and overly expensive nations.
The meteoric rise of k-pop and k-drama doesn’t help keeping their ego in check: lots of guys here think they’re sex-symbol material while lots of k-chicks indeed convinced themselves they’re the classiest, prettiest, most perfectly manicured dolls to ever grace the world with their presence.
its similar in japan ?
>convinced themselves they’re the classiest, prettiest, most perfectly manicured dolls to ever grace the world with their presence
damn brainwashing really works
wh*te boi
Not one of those terms has the same level of sharp offense that 'shitskin' or 'nigger' would cause
but i like them regardless they have legitimate reason to feel proud of thenselfs
the only things that mantain the west afloat its The hyper specialization of most Western metro areas in a bloated financial sectors with scarcely any tie to the goods producing economy dominated by jews and the military dominated by whites,a total disfunctional sistem
Bule, from kebo bule
It's true, and it goes to show the power of racism lies with the subject rather than the bearer.
beyaz boğa
Korea is still lead by technocrats but in 10-20 years it'll turn into Japan harder than Japan did
In the 80s everybody thought Japan was going to buy the US but in the end they just turned into one more nonchalant OECD country without a bright future
Only two countries with possibly heavy-duty futures are China and India, you can't beat a billion people
>black looking people
>foreign asian
daoine bána
We call them "blanken" which refers to the huge quantities of custard the average white man consumes.
Do you even know where the Caucasus is?
Isn't Mat Saleh the name of a Malay warrior who fought against the British occupation?
ghost man or foreign devil
Outside country people.