Which has the most badass nose and why

Which has the most badass nose and why

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Roman nose gang

I have roman nose i think its manliest type of nose you can have


Looks like I'm a filthy Roman/Anglo halfbreed



Attached: pure olmec phenotype.jpg (676x681, 375.73K)

What type of nose is this?

Attached: näsa.png (480x640, 367.96K)

Looks nordic

they have big shnobels though. in general massive features are typical for scandinaviens.

my nose points kind of upwards

Atlantid or something like that

Nope, Brünns are the ones who have upturned noses.

Mine is not in the picture

2 and 5

Tell me about them

You are probably olmec

forehead is what's really important, a strong nordic nose is nothing if it's attached to a weak skull

What does strong vs weak skull look like

My nose isn't there. My nose is what i'd describe as slightly snobby.

Chin > jaw> anything else

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Roman because it's literally chad shape

>What does strong vs weak skull look like
a skull with sloping forehead and little to no room for a brain is a weak skull

yes those are also important features, but they don't have any implications on function and intelligence like a skull does

Chin > nose> anything else


Most of you saying Roman don’t have a Roman nose.

literally my nose, but i have smaller nostrils
and I look slightly moorish, so it's weird

What nose is this?

Attached: 155938b6a0d746541c0fa5a3dff93ec3-1200-80.jpg (366x366, 41.19K)

Mine's not in the picture. it's like Roman but rounded and wider towards the end rather than edgy. Also no brow bone.

negroid. most forward growth

nvm, change that to native american

>forward growth
You mean prognathy? Lel

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