Modi sama save us
/desi/- Lockdown jutsu edition
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imagine him doing mudras instead of handsign before doing naruto run
yes farm it or farm echoes and buy it
Mile poo Mera tumhara
tooh poooooo baneeee, haaammarraa
pooo kee nadiyaaaa harrr dishashe
Real question, how pervasive is the nationalist rhetoric in India right now? Is it a loud minority sort of situation or is it pretty widespread
We have a nationalist government in power, what do you think?
Not into weebshit or Bollywood, what's this?
bahtheeeee saaaagaarrr meeee milleeeen
pretty comfy
I mean so do we strictly speaking, but saying that everyone here is a nationalist now would be a gross misrepresentation. I had sort of imagined like in many big countries the answer would be "depends on where you go"
how are ypu celebrating?
i am defeating casteist br*hmins in rational debate using BVDDHIST AMBEDKARITE principles found in the indian constitution and pali canon to defend my BAHVJAN BROTHERS
a tiktok video :)
I hope it kills of all street shitters, goatfuckers and cow cum drinkers
Maybe then we will have a chance at becoming a super power.....
Oh OK thanks that explains everything
baaaddddaalookaaann ruuuphhh lekkkarrrr
சித்திரை திருநாள் நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள் நண்பா
you want to be the little spoon?
Sure there are regional difference but you don't win a majority here if you aren't popular. Pic related is election map in 2019 with orange representing constituencies where the BJP won.
>looks like my superiority has led to some controversy here
vishu ashamsakal
beautiful vishukani mate
anyone else read this book?
don't you have shashtras to copy from the BVDDHISTS?
your thoughts? can you even read?
Not a fag
Based strategy
>2000's - 2010
No poos or Pakis online. Used to be fun, not a lot of toxic shit.
Increased presence of Pajeets. Can't play the game properly, have shit setup so lag all the time and toxic in general.
Too many poos. Too much toxicity.
Kill all zoomers. Why the fuck are you cunts so shitty? Jio was a mistake. I hope reliance collapses
small penis energy detected
How tolerant are you of muslims user?