
Internet Personailities Edition

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Donald Trump cares more about the people than any other president.

gimmicks get out

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Where should I move to if I get my £32k home-working job lads?


but if she wasn't a slut... :)

Think I'd have to stay in the UK unfortunately

Might go out and attack some 5G phone masts just for the craic

Emma Evins ATKgfs scenes are sooooo hot

ah yes, the chinks

Rule Britannia, lads

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more of an ATK exotics man myself

this is hirarious




Sucking my own bollocks

Only got £17.5k left lads
Shan't be giving rentberg a penny of it

Freaks like Amer keep them bushy, you don't want to be like Amer do you?

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chucks get sucked



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Trump seems to be doing the best he can to deal with the virus. Not much you can do other than what hes done

Mad how busy this site is isn't it
Wish I could read every post but it's just impossible
I seem have weird compulsions to know everything. I compile lists of things I want to do, I have over 1500 films, 400 books, 150 games and 4 languages I would like to experience. I hope I have the time in life to do that. But I also enjoy shit posting here and relaxing with the good lads of /brit/. It sucks being a full time toiler. I wish I was a kid/student again so I didn't have to worry about anything except playing games.

tbf didn’t trump say he wanted to ban all arrivals coming from China months ago when the outbreak began, but the media just called him a racist


the blatant bias in the american press is disgusting. obama wouldn't have been treated like this.

You're one of them suicides-to-be that try to convince straight men to become bent aren't you?


fake news, absolutely disgusting


cringe post

not a pixel

he said it after all the airlines had voluntarily shut down flights to china anyway

good to see reporters still haven't given up scrutinising this retard after 4 years

Same but £37.5k

blog on you odious little gremlin

gemma got murked

make sure he doesn't find out you're worth suing

so this is what is feels like when other countries watch clips from parliment when some crazy shit it happening

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What the FUCK was wrong with that ballbag in the last thread, was that a tumour?

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>those comments






Say what you want about Trumo but he did coin the term 'fake news' which is used constantly in mainstream media now. Although not the usual standard his words should go down for their significant.

really? that seems odd we never stopped flights from china

i read your post and im with you lad

The result of one year nofap

no its not
be quiet

Will never commit suicide mate, I'm a very happy person

HIS name is AMER and his bollocks are HAIRY


there was a tangerine between his legs and he'd taped his sack to the other end

Anyone else lost their passion for games as they've got older? Last game series I really got into was Metal Gear in 2015, since then I've only really enjoyed a few games like RDR2, Ace Combat 7 and God of War. I just don't seem to have the energy to play any more, plus I feel like I'm so far behind now, with a new console generation coming out soon. Back when I was in school and uni, I played non stop and enjoyed gaming immensely, what's happened to me lads? Do you still play games?

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he was around for like 3 threads explaining it didn't hurt at all and wasn't that uncommon an issue I forgot what the medical term for it was

what a humble brag

bet she loved it when he said that whilst inside her though. fucking slag

Why the fuck did he write on it? When was this?

literally just had a second shower because i accidently skeeted over myself

>Will never commit suicide mate, I'm a very happy person
like that aspect of you user

its called growing up lad, its a good thing.


watched a film called the rope earlier
just finished watching parasite
and now just started 2001 space odessy

dangerous level of misogyny itp

hydrocele i believe. basically just fluid accumulation. but nothing can be done as its a non-essential surgical procedure.

Got banned for telling a communist to go kill themselves. This site is basically reddit now.

>passion for games

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last week
he wrote mikey on one, janny on one, /brit/ on one

yea that's the one

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Turning 26 next month and it's shook me for some reason. Feeling very, very old.

Had girlfriends, had sex, got a gf, got a job, don't normally live with my parents (moved back for Corona), travelled to some far away places but for some reason feel I've wasted a lot of my 20s and am now panicking.

Compounded by the fact I feel my true love got away and I will have to break up with my gf soon.

Cheers lad
I think my problem is I have too many interests. Literature, politics, history, gaming, tennis, football, cycling, languages, economics, film and television, that I get bogged down.