What do people in your cunt think about this genius?
What do people in your cunt think about this genius?
Most frenchmen think he's a national hero. Media shit talks him all day. I don't really care.
i think he's based
Mostly same here, at least those that know about him.
He's a scam. The paper was absolutely trash tier and read like it was written by a research assistant without a degree. They only tested for presence of the virus in the throat, which has absolutely no value as the virus is present almost exclusively in the lungs after a few days and throat concentration has no connection to the actual status of the infection. They 100% are aware of this so this is a sign that they chose this methodology in a deliberate attempt to mislead. Second, there was a large difference in average age and onset of infection between the test and control groups. The fact that one of the co-authors went to get interviewed by FOX first of all places tells you all you need to know.
marseille has the lowest deathrates by far in france you know, maybe the methodoly doesn't suit autist fags but facts are there, you can deny them but you're probably a paid agent for pharmaceutic labs that don't want to see people get treated with cheap medecines.
If you have a single shred of evidence that Hydroxychloroquine has anything to do with that, go ahead. And lmao if you wanna talk death rates look at Germany.
>you're probably a paid agent for pharmaceutic labs that don't want to see people get treated with cheap medecines.
You're a paid agent for the pharmaceutic labs that produce hydroxychloroquine. What know? Got anything to say? mdr putain
>scientists are autist fags but a hobo with a shit paper is based.
Your idiocy is showing. You're one of those people who're jealous of all the guys who always had better grades than you little idiot. Congrats, you got duped by Trump ahahahah
He's a national hero and hopefully our future president
We've had Général De Gaulle, we need Professeur Raoult now.
>One of the most trusted virologist in the world
>A hobo
Yeah eternal kraut trying to ruin everything as usual
>if you wanna talk death rates look at Germany
Ah yes, falsified numbers. Just like your unemployment numbers. Just like auschwitz numbers. Germans keep lying about numbers all the time.
>German posting some midwit-tier pharmaceutical talking point garbage disguised as scientism as always
What the fuck is wrong with Germans? It's always them.
He's a fraud according to most official sources, media or government alike.
He's an unsung hero genius for most conspiracy nuts, and the fact he's being warned against by official canals just reinforces their faith in him (as it always does with these fuckwits).
I think he's mostly a fraud, but I remain hopeful I'll be proven otherwise because it would be really cool to find a treatment for Coronachan. However, I always weary of miracle remedies seller and snake oil merchants, and he belongs to the latter category until proper peer review and trial by error have proven otherwise.
He has never pretended to have a miracle remedy, all he said was that chloroquine reduced the virology, and since we have nothing else and are in the middle of a pandemy and he swore to cure people, he just does it. I don't understand why he's so frowned upon
>I can't believe in anything unless there's a peer reviewed source espoused by the government
there are multiple conflicts of interest between officials and raoult
You are correct, I do not "believe" things, faith is a source of misguidance.
I want to know shit, and in this case, we are talking about a remedy against a virus, so it is something that can, and will, ultimately, be ascertained.
"Believing" and "Having faith" is for fuck lards like your people.
Again, to be clear, I don't believe him, but I harbor absolutely no hard feelings against him. If he claims to have a solution and people go to him knowing the risks, what happens between consenting adults is ok in my book.
If he's right, people who trusted him will be happy to know they were right to trust him.
If he was not and some poor sods end up experiencing bad secondary effects from chloroquine, their loss.
I simply stress that I wouldn't put myself in his hands at this stage, nothing else.
>the gOveRnMenT
Yeah sure, we all know that all journals, conferences and universities are 100% state owned, especially in America, right??? Fucking idiot
>Just like your unemployment numbers.
>Just like auschwitz numbers.
Are you implying there were less ore more than the accepted number of around 11 million total victims, including 6million jews?
Fucking nazi how dare you..
That little "mdr" that he slipped in his last post makes me believe he is not, in fact, a Kraut, but one of ours.
hydroxychloroquine is a medicine that whatever lab can produce tho, it's not restricted to one and only one, the "vaccin" you're supposed to produce not tho, we see where your interests are, undercover agent ;)
Don't know, can't tell if he is legit or a fucking fraud.
im on the fraud side
He looks like your average hobo who goes around and collects plastic bottles from dumpsters to sell them to recycling centers,
Hard pass.
He never claimed it was a cure to the virus, chloroquine actually stops concentration in the throat before it fucks up the lungs,which is what actually kills people.
so you'd better be treated by a guy with no degree that sounds like a doctor, but a guy with high tier degrees in virology that looks like a hobo is a nono ?
>study made on 24 people (4 not counted in the final results because they died before the end of the study)
Death rates in Germany and Austria are way lower than in Italy or France, despite parts of France receiving this special miracle treatment.
If you're thinking some virologist unable to produce a clinical study is some sort of unsung hero fighting against the ebil gubmint demanding facts.
And if this virologist is selling you his cum against Corona you'd swallow it just because he's a virologist? Very strange appeal to authority.
He's unknown here.
Reminder that people denying the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine fell for the pharmaceutical industry pushing namebrand shit to make more money
he did it on 1000 people tho, and marseillais are still the ones dying the less in france, just coincidence
you should test post mortem and report the deaths in retirement houses if you want us to take your death rates seriously.
why not if it works ? and as stated, he never pretended it was a cure, but a way to lower the cases drastically for the ones with low symptoms.
In the Netherlands we have been using chloroquine for more than a month already in hospitals. It's a treatment dictated by the government since the start.
And if the symptoms get worse then you get some experimental drug.
the infection started in the north you fucking retard their hospitals were overwellemed ofcourse the deathrate is lower fucking cocksucker. It's insane how fucking retard like you are so unself aware, you are ready to beleive anything as long as it fits your narative of le basé gaulois vs le bad mainstream media corporate governmenet jew feminist. hope you chock yourself to deat on a nigger cock
Didn't he say that people should take the hydroxychloroquine preemptively? An actual treatment for bad cases would be needed in the 10-15% of cases that are actually threatening and not 7 billion people taking that shit every few weeks.
We do. My mother works for a retirement house with 3 reported deaths since the beginning of March and all of them were caused by Corona.
Lowering the viral count? Useless since most people go completely without symptoms and even the sick ones spread it up to 14 days before they show symptoms.
like whatever medecine, not everybody can react about it well, this is a well known medecine, they know the effect and the ones that shouldn't use it, thx god most people can take it with no risks, but of course you should be advised by a doctor before thinking you can medicate yourself, the problem here is that authoritarian doctors with no knowledges in virology have free speech on tv to say he's a fraud because long hairs and moustache lol kek
ah yes, the pandemy started in france, northern italy, so close to marseille, had no cases lol, still the lowest death rates in ALL of france, cope.
no you don't test post mortem and the retirement houses cases aren't reported in the numbers, at least in germany, don't know if you do the same in austria but you probably do.