
Casino edition


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idam da pram musaka

post pics


G-guys I'm afraid I ate raw pork recently

Who is that guy on the top right next to slonni

I cant help myself but every time when I see a gypsy in dusty construction worker clothing I think of cairshqip.

Now you see, dumb kufar

i ate too much again

the pig is love, the pig is life

KETO diet down 13kg since wednesday 13 days ago
Eating aushwitz tier 1 meal a day now 3 boiled eggs and one piece of frozen broccoli fried in oil

That guy probably makes $2500 a month

>13kg in 13 days
Nigga did you cut your arm off?

eating snacks

How’s your breath?

1kg a day without exercise
as far as i remember this my dairy:

-4l water a day
-3-4 eggs every day
-1 frozen spinach or broccoli a day
-1 piece of chicken breast cooked in oil every few days
that's all. didn't eat any form of gluten, dairy, chocolate, nothing at all in these 4 weeks. first few days I had seizures in my stomach and since the first week adjusted to this way of eating.

*2 weeks 13 days

Water weight fatty. Start lifting unless you wanna be skinnyfat

this is all I’ll eat today. I tell myself I eat like my ancestors 5000 years ago. Many times then didn’t eat at all and when they ate it looked like this

My body is shaping really good, 10kg less and I’ll start amping the meat carbs and getting big.

Attached: EE150782-FE27-46BB-B641-BB4123B99C13.jpg (4032x3024, 2.72M)


yes sure, keep coping you can't last 1 day for what I'm doing for weeks

You’re not dieting, you’re starving yourself.


See group #2

Gyms are closed now but you can start doing stuff like bodyweight exercises. In a few months when they re-open start lifting

that is why jews and muslims ban pork, and why pigs were not allowed anywhere on scythian land

you don't have the problem in the north, only in the warmer climates porks have deadly parasites

Retard, you're going to rebound fast like that. You need to actually exercise to lose fat.

it's not a problem in colder climates

Whats the point though?
Chance happens to us all.

Stop praising poisoning your body here fyrombey

It's baffling how people like ikibey exists.

This guy is nearly 30, never held a degree or had a job, virgin and probably the last time he had a social interaction with someone IRL was a decade ago. This guy logs into his computer and spends his entire day on here spamming shit only to get ignored or get mocked for being subhuman then goes to sleep, rinse and repeat. He devoted himself in horoscopes he thinks he's an extroverted dominant alpha male according to that personality test and then he goes how he wants to kill himself because he's fat and dumb the next minute. His physical and mental state assures that he will stay virgin till he dies. He is poor as shit, his parents hate him. I don't understand, really, I don't. Why? Why do you even live at that point? He doesn't even cope with his miserable situation, he just comes here to get insulted and make fun of which further deteriorates his mental health. How fucking low can someone get? I genuinely don't understand, but I find it funny I must say.

this persona larp is getting out of hand

He has or had a job though and isnt virgin

Hes def a virgin only virgins are constantly talking about gfs of 10 years ago or whatever like he does

you clearly never beat a woman

I’m wondering what are you trying to accomplish with your post.

>He has or had a job
>isnt virgin

He's like 165 and 100kg plus mentally ill, no way he could put his dick on a female

>tfw still can't break through 82kg
I can feel the fat reducing but my weight doesn't change. Gonna get dem abs or die trying.

i could buy a whore whenever i want

Attached: file.png (1600x1600, 3.78M)

Nothing, just bored and wrote this


Yeah that's the only way you could ever gotten laid and you don't have enough money for it


On a more serious note: what keeps you from killing yourself?

How is it illegal in Romania, Russia and Ukraine, the top leaders in per capita prostitution.

Mean to reply

179 short, use to lift

Kids in America
>join a GTA Online lobby to participate in a heist

Kids in Balkans
>join the latest /balk/ thread and sign up to the heist crew list

Are we this based now?