Is God punishing them?
Is God punishing them?
nah it's the usual tornado season so nothing new
>not straight out nuking them
Why tho?
No. They were just dumb enough to move on tornado alley. If I walk on a train tracks and get run over by a train, it's not force majore -event, you just won Darwin award.
>live in tornado area
>build plywood house
Why do they do that?
cuz a brick house won't save you from an f3 or above. plus it's probably cheaper to build your house from scratch again then to repair a brick monstrosity.
Reinforced concrete would easily survive a tornado but I guess you guys prefer scamming your insurance
I'm probably ignorant and stupid to not know the reason why, but why are basements never considered there? It's pretty much standard to have them in homes in the upper midwest.
Europeans really should just keep quite about this shit. Your buildings rarely ever face the sort of strain millions of houses in North America and other regions face on a yearly basis. You're basically clueless, arrogant fuckers living in a geographically stable zone with ideal mild climates.
Half of your cities would be completely destroyed if they were situated in "tornado alley".
You're talking mad shit for some sissy bimbo bitch
Why you New worlders and other insects live in such terrible places then? Why are they so stupid?
it’s not like anybody forced you to build McTinShack in tornado alley
tornadoes are f scary, more than earthquakes
>18 death
Jesus Christ.
But wouldn't a tornado wake them up and give them enough time to get the fuck away with their cars?
I'm always surprised why tornadoes have so high death tolls.
does Europe have any natural disasters?
Mobility scooters can't outspeed a tornado
>things you see coming are alot more scary than things you cant
If God wanted He would have destroyed the world already.
God hates the Southern US. The shit they do in Churches is straight up mockery of him.
Niggers crossing the Mediterranean on inner tubes
Yeah because everyone wants to live in a fucking bunker on the off chance a tornado hits their house directly.
Why did Terry get hit by a train? He was no idiot, he programmed an operating system and a compiler, and he was obviously God's darling. I'm blaming the CIA.
I feel earthquakes all the time, and buildings here won't collapse to a big one. But we're not prepared for big ass tornadoes. Last year we had one (f2 i think) and there were no alarms or anything
A tornado literally lasts only five minutes on average, it appears suddenly without warning, tears through shit at 100 kph and vanishes as fast as it appeared
you're retarded
I never mentioned building bunkers. You can make houses out of reinforced concrete.
Hmmmm don't think so sweety ;)
Here's a magnitude 6 in Italy.
Why did he have to go bros?
Stop being jealous of the greatest nation in the world cunt
Based New World ally. It's true, baby tier """disasters""" instantly destroy Eurabian cities like a 4.1 "earthquake"
>Why did Terry get hit by a train? He was no idiot, he programmed an operating system and a compiler, and he was obviously God's darling. I'm blaming the CIA.
Terry was the smartest man to ever live.
It was obviously staged
we have earthquakes in southern Europe
Shut up you faggot, God already said how things will go down.
To make a house that's actually "tornado-proof" you'd basically have to construct something that's essentially a bunker. It needs to be able to resist getting bombarded with large debris and projectiles moving at 300 kph that a tornado throws around. It needs to be able to resist getting hit by a refrigerator that's moving at nearly the same speed as a bullet. Living in a house like that would be shitty for the 99% of the time you aren't getting hit with a tornado. It's so much more cost efficient and effective to just have a storm cellar like most people have out there.
Magnitude 6 did that?, I forget how strong that must be to those old buildings.
We had a magnitude 6 like two weeks ago and it felt like a 5 in my city. Woke up and went back to sleep
You lie...
No I'm fucking not you retard. FEMA actually does provide guidelines on how to build a "tornado-proof" house if you really want to. You know what it needs to have? Walls entirely made of reinforced concrete, no windows, and solid steel doors. What does that sound like to you? A fucking bunker. Anything less and it's not going to survive a hit from a powerful tornado.
Wind is not the most damaging part of a tornado. As user said, it's the huge swirling cloud of fast moving debris that a tornado creates.
Are basements a requirement over there then?