We need fewer languages in the world

we need fewer languages in the world.

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slightly updated.

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Anglos exporting their mental illness again

Give it 50 years and literally everybody will speak english at least as a secondary language.

No, that’s awful. We need fewer languages and more dialects.

Please don't tell me you made LIthuania speak Finnish because of haploshits

Some Finnish user gave me this really long argument once about it, and how they’re just Finns who speak indo-european. He was really convincing and passionate but maybe he was wrong idk.

you are the arab look
you are the arab smell

>greek for some reason
>not latin

Everyone speaking their native languages and having Latin as common global language. Period.

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you are the gypsy look
you are the gypsy smell

See :except replace Finnish with Greek and indo-European with slavic

americans should be legally forbidden from having an opinion on any matter outside their shit infested zoo

Ireland and Scotland don't speak Celtic. Even if you look at their DNA, they're germanic. Why do americans do this stupid shit. Their languages have died out and they've been English for hundreds of years. Put Latin all the way to Waloon Belgium also. They have no interested in learning a Germanic language.

>Even if you look at their DNA, they're germanic.

Everyone already speaks english as secondary

Everyone that is worth talking to that is

Why is Hungary with the slavics? Shouldn't it make a bit more sense to make them speak finnish?

That was me

It's rightful Livonian clay

You want us to be rootless like you, to mix us up and displace us so you can finally justify that check box "white" in the classification of a part of the US citizenry

Latvia maybe


Why not Latvians then? The Latvian language is basically a mix of Livonian (Finnic) and Latgalian (Baltic). Lithuanians say it sounds like a Baltic language spoken with a Finnic accent.

de ponerla ni hablar no ??? jkajkajkajkaajkjakjakjjkaj

Nah. Dialects>>>>>languages. Being able to understand your cousins while still having your own culture and slightly different flavor of language is based. I wish I lived when geats and angles and frisians all understood each other.
Plus old languages are a lot more complex than modern ones.

prime example of a burgershit post

No. It should be Arabic because Quran is in Arabic.

You don't get it. Frisians may be cousins of anglos but neither is a cousin of mine

Idk ask I don’t really remember the gist of the combination of genetics, history, and autism that went into his classifications.

Qué bardeás mamarracho? Andá a los thread de trolos que esos seguro te gustan

Yes, and? Latin and Common Germanic aren’t mutually intelligible.

Your entire shithole country is built on replacing native regional languages with some mutated version of Tuscan invented by some autists in the 1800's.


Yes and Tuscan dialect is no where near Frisian or English. Plus that's not the point, the point is that the US dreams of us speaking English as first language and wiping everything else off

That’s not what I’m proposing at all
> US dreams of us speaking English as first language and wiping everything else off
That’s what the E.U. wants actually.

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