
eagrán is cuma an t-eagrán nó a theanga
fo-eagrán góóglaí tráinslaide

Attached: [AniDL] Mary to Majo no Hana [BDRip 1920x1040][5.1][IamTsukasa]-20-04-14_07.58.04.873.jpg (400x375, 95.8K)

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*is cuma liom
otherwise passable
come on, it's one of the most famous phrases

>it's one of the most famous phrases
what is?

This wan........

Had a dream where I was drowning and then woke up on the floor having trouble breathing and then woke up for real in bed with no trouble breathing

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>a dream where I was drowning
hmmm, a former bedwetter...

Attached: jew freak who created infantile sexuality destroying the whiterace.jpg (1066x1500, 923.44K)

has there ever been a child that never wet itself?

is maith liom an cluiche ríomhaire naomhluain: comhrac forbartha


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Dreamception, very interesting...

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Don't like the dark minimalist as opposed to bright UI background, but character graphics look like the ideal improvement over CK2 and from what I've read of the gameplay changes it promises to be the right kind of improvements.

Hope the characters are animated, in that you can see them breathing and blinking. Feel like it add a lot, instead of just being static 3D pictures.

Stellaris has that for idle animations. CK3 might have more involved expressions based on mood or circumstance, but on the other hand the number of combinations of faces based on them apparently integrating aging and genetics into it more thoroughly might mitigate more complex movements.

tempted to do some drunk retail therapy

I fucking hate dogfags so fucking much there aren't even words to describe how much I hate them. I hate them the way AM hates humans in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. If I could exterminate all dog-loving "MUH GOODBOY PUPPERINO" retards from the world at the cost of having to be tortured for a thousand years, I would.

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Elaborate on your reasonings.

They are a cancer upon this earth, those utterly brainless "people" who worship some of the dumbest animals in the world for looking "cute", who get upset when their shitty object of worship has to be put down for inevitably mauling a baby and insist that it's still MUH GOODBOY PUPPERINO WHO DINDU NUFFIN, and if you don't share their retardation and their love of these shitty creatures they'll tell you that you lack empathy and that you have brain problems, when they are, in fact, the ones who have brain problems, and who have far more empathy for such disgusting creatures that blight the world than they do for their fellow man.

I've seen enough redditor "fur baby" shite online to know the mentality of people who both discredit pet onwership and never should be allowed pets, but everyone IRL I've known has viewed dogs correctly.

what are you gonna buy lad?

big complicated scale model
or a lot of expensive big brain books I might work my way through several years from now
wish steam would have a sale so this money would stop brunign a hole in my pocket

>has viewed dogs correctly

Something above toys with feelings, but below the mental ability of toddlers with none of the human worth that any human of any mental ability has. (Redditor pet worship almost certainly derives as a direct consequence of the devaluing of the unborn and disabled).
Basically if you wouldn't push your pet under the trolley to save another human's life, you're reddit scum. And it's essential to treat your pet as a possession, however prized, rather than "family member".

thoughts on finto?
theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/14/coronavirus-uk-ireland-delay (this article isnt written by him btw)

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banal neo liberal centrist dad

would want to calm down a bit

This, total cuck

What a tool :))))))))))))))

Cat wanker detected

come home (I presume) Gaelic man