Is this accurate?

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STFU ABDUL before I shit in you

Sorry John Goodman from California


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I find anglo "bantz" to be just rude name calling

I'm starting to believe that the shit posting Canadians are those who don't live in major cities such as Toronto, Vancouver. It's a trend that I've been catching up on.
It's always the racist white rural incels.

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that's the way we like it

No, that's shit. All people are different.


That's literally what it is, if you're seriously trying to argue something then it isn't banter

>entire country of pillaging warlords turned into sissy pretty boys of gay vibes
You tell me.

>be finn
>start an argument
>get butthurt
>start name calling
>Bong calls it bantz

>swedun post cuck post cuz country cuck lmao
makes sense of it

>implying such a white name would ever grace the land of California

t. cuck

>t. cuck

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Banter is playful insults you wouldn't do it when you're arguing with someone

Yeah I get that. It seems like you don't, though.

>I find anglo "bantz" to be just rude name calling

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i dont know what dependable bantz means

It's been years since I've seen a humorous post coming from Australia

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Simply shit

I bet you're scouring page 43 looking for an anime boy png so you can start gayposting

I've never seen a post by Czechia or Hungary

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Have you ever seen a Japanese post? They're all grade school tier, nothing tactical about them. Try Russia maybe.
Sweden has not cuckposted in years, but the slot works for passive aggressiveness. Also Netherlands works there.
Don't bully India for no reason. For chaotic evil use Brazil.
Others are ok

Literally never seen a jap post that isn't one of the following:
>"Fucku Youou Korea"
>Chileans reacting to japanese taxi door
>"Japan is great"

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>t. Chang

>haha sweden cuck cuck haha gay gay cuck cuckaduck

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