Fun people

>fun people
>cool language
>mostly great standards of living
i wish i had one of these passports bros

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Swap? I wish I had a EU one

i am a neet

>Cool people
That's only true for Australia, New Zealand, and the French parts of Canada and the USA.

i wish i could do that
the EU passport is shit, even spaniards have one

Australians are extremely boring in general

i actually despise quebec
francophone "people" are shit

You wanna live with billion chinks and pajeets?

netherlands is the missing link between anglo and euro

Ever since I was born here I felt like I was an Anglo born in the body and country of a Dutch man. I don't belong here, I'm like a fish out of the water. I feel like it's my entire life's goal to move to an Anglo country, get an Anglo wife and make little Anglo kids and erase my Dutch ancestry..

Das rite

>cool people

Attached: bart(141).jpg (243x207, 8.27K)

seething malvinas loser

not a fan of israel at all tbqh
terrible people in my experience
t. met a lot in south america

we are too busy being wealthy and happy

I have 2 of them
Meh it's cool I guess

Unironically hate israelis not because of ‘DA JOOOOOZ’ but because every israeli ive met has been braindead clueless or 100% pretending to be retarded

LMAO just get fat and obnoxious youll pass as an american

Ok now this is based my glorious revolution bro.

Dutch language is cool though

Dutch people are pretty similar to us really, always felt the netherlands was homely, just come over

>mostly great standards of living
For the 1% or compared to Africa? There are starving ex-soviets who have it better

>Why yes i do love assburgers

Australia is full of loud normalfags and extroverts. In 32 years of being on this hot rock, I've never once felt really comfortable around other people here.
I don't know but I think I'd feel more at peace in a society or community where people generally mind their own business or generally keep to themselves/respect the personal privacy and space of others. We are supposed to be keeping some sort of social distancing at the moment and having to do a shop for groceries is like a minefield because no one seems to give the slightest fuck about changing their behaviour and the oldies in particular will happily sit on a bench in the middle of a busy thoroughfare point without the slightest awareness of just how dangerous it is to do at the moment.

when most people think of Australia boring isn’t what usually comes to mind, are you guys really not that extroverted?

fuck angloids and their bootlickers

Anglos are NPC

it seems their superiority has caused quite some controversy..

>"Five Eyes"

Extroverts are boring people.

Which part of canada are you from

Really? Well, you're in for a trip, kouhai.

>glow-in-the-dark shit
I should've known.

The Dutch are such Anglo cucks. It's really pathetic.