What are the most obnoxious minority in your country?
In Japan it's the Brazilians
>Come to Japan with a work visa using 1/16 Japanese ancestry
>Looks like a hue mutt and looks nothing like Japanese most of the time
>Does nothing to try to assimilate. Always stealing and women being hoes
It's funny they claim Japanese heritage but other nationalities do better job at assimilating
What are the most obnoxious minority in your country?
Samurai fears the Brazilian mutt power
t. jelly Pikachu
Chinese Canadians. The incels whine about whine women all day and the bitches whine about muh Chinese heritage all day on Instagram.
they aren't
I can't stand with your opinion
>involved in criminality
>dont work
>arent educated
but they have some good aspects, namely that they are the sole reason that gays arent openly showing their gayness in the big cities of holland anymore
They don't want to look like nips because you're horrible,also the Brazilian mutts with nip ancestry are way better looking then you are. I've heard that japs are a fucking disgrace, brazilian women prefer dating other brazilians instead of japs because your country is full of virgin fags
Indians and Chinese, they buy up all the property and raise prices for normal Americans and don't assimilate.
Sub-saharan africans.
In terms of being obnoxious nothing trumps the Turks and Moroccans
OK, then why do so many Brazilians come Japan?
goes without saying
power gap
I’m actually 1/16 japanese. Can I migrate to japan preees?
out of the three magrebs, for us, the moroccans tend to be the best of the lot
turks are workers here
you guys don't have algerian?
I lived in a Brazilian city founded by japanese in the state of São Paulo for 6 years and know about a few people that went to Japan only to work, because your country pays much more than Brazil do and they sent some money back here. I've met lots of brazilians with Japanese ancestry, Italian, French, etc... And they like living here, you can enjoy much more in Brazil than in any Asian or European nation, the only problem is money and violence and depending in what region violence is way smaller and you can get better payments.
the unholy trinity is blacks, latino mutts and chinese. at least jews have common courtesy
t. indian man
Whats the difference between them?
almost no algerians
coincidentally tho one of the most famous rappers here is an algerian (boef) who is really hated by everyone except his fans
We have all the MENAs but Moroccans and Turks make up like 90% of them.
Also tunisians here are considered the best of them, and Algerians don't stand out at all.
Boef is French
I live near Toyota. They are everywhere
>loud as fuck, need to announce their peasant dialect
>think they're better than you because their sheepherder grand-father got rich by selling his land
>are "Freistaat" which means they're a special snowflake state and can make their own laws to a cetain degree
>are only relevant because of Oktoberfest, Munich and BMW
>ugly blue-white checkered flag (also special snowflake because they have two official flags)
>muh lederhosen
>muh beer
>almost no algerians
that's good for you
moroccans are more cultured
tunisian are chill
algerian are straight trash
but all of them are lazy, racist and violent cunts
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience with foreigners. I often wonder how it's going to end considering how widespread this is and how interdependent the world have become.
Japan who is so organized and rational could maybe try implement a "native host"-program to teach immigrants about your customs and by that make them more welcome in the private Japanese rooms?
I think such an proposal here would get a lot of backlash from liberals who just don't want to see the implications multiculturalism have on a society. Japan have a fair backbone in these area and I believe in your country.
It's the Nigerians. There aren't many of them, but they do what they want. I'm sure the police are freaked out.
we have none
Newly arrived gypsies who claim they have a right to beg on our streets because gypsies 100 years ago did (but eventually was forced-castrated or integrated).
They are poor Bulgarians and Romanians, not the same as old gypsies in Sweden!
Cool it with the racism, Hiro.
bek houwe
probably the aboriginals they are always complaining while getting a fuck ton of money from the goverment.
Why are Brazilians so insecure? You guys always take the bait and go full autism on people. But then again Indians are the same, guess it is just 3rd world inferiority complex.
haha based
they need to go back to europe
There aren't enough to buy up property. Most property is owned by jews and wasps. You assholes are responsible for raising prices, you've been doing this shit since the 60's. We just exploit the already existing situation.
Who the fuck came to japan for the woman.
they do not get a 'fuck ton' retard
>fuck ton of money from the goverment.
Not really