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fuck off lad you've been shitting up the thread for an hour now
enough is enough
fuck off

Redpill us on the Findom scene in Devon

*posts a picture of myself with doxxable information (nametag) on Yas Forums and is then surprised by the fact it was saved and will never ever be deleted from the internet now*
>fucking australians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
screeching at this lil honduran faget

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reckon dads got the covid
sounds like he's coughing up a lung

spics be like mmmmm this american boot tasto so goodo lol

mm cream on toast for breakfast again pardners

gosh asian women are so perfect lads

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just emailed every hospital in honduras about allan

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little freak go have sex with your own kind

Need a Yank gf to lasso my bollocks asap

post physique you loser cringelord

did he get aids from all his sex tourism?

Oz is a grim place. Reckon the Emerald City is the only decent place in the entire kingdom.

where did he go btw? same for thailad. both mysteriously disappeared.

me on the floor

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pic related is me now rope faggot supreme

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asian women be like

seen thailad here a few days ago
I think it was thailad anyway

public transport mongs on the ropes
carchads vindicated once again

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kek hotwheels was pure commie

any italian rap mans in?

i am the lowercase australian


That little town with all the dancing midgets? Grim as. Need it out of business.

big fan of cars
own two

That cripple couldn't envision the amount of non whites that would invade and how large the population would get.

do you guys say corona or covid? i say corona

very cool that america has had a differently-abled person as president

small brain: car
average brain: public transport
big brain: walking
galaxy brain: cycling

post physique you cringy racist

say kung flu
everyone knows what i mean

I say boris johnson disease

get a fucking grip

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they all have their place if used responsibly

Very good post, but you forgot

>bigger brain: running to and from work and stopping to collect shopping then running home.

A few. Obongo was a nigger you know.

Who /cutstheirownhair/ here. Did it for the first time the other day because of 'rona and I'm never looking back, because I just get it clipper length anyway

>galaxy brain: cycling

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>galaxy brain: cycling

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galaxy brain: do what you want literally nothing beyond your own conciousness matters or has deeper meaning

boom boom boom

former first jungle bunny michael "baboon lipped" obongo

day of the rope for bike runts when

That shit only flies in smaller, homogeneous populations. You know it to be true because you didn't even attempt to argue.

cardinal pell should rot in hell

>no argument
just won a debate


then he'd be cardinal hell LOL

>posted my dick on /brit/ because it is quite big and awesthetic and they said i had small testicles

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Shooting Advice
Some words to the wise. Shooting Advice from various Concealed Carry Instructors. If you own a gun, you will appreciate this. If not, you should get one and learn how to use it:

A: Guns have only two enemies: rust and politicians.

B: Its always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

C: Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.

D: Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arms length.

E: Never say "I've got a gun." If you need to use deadly force, the first sound they hear should be the safety clicking off. (I prefer the sound of a slug being chambered when you cock a shotgun)

F: The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes, the response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.

G: The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win - cheat if necessary.

H: Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets . . . You may get killed with your own gun, but he'll have to beat you to death with it, cause it'll be empty.
If you're in a gun fight:
1. If you're not shooting, you should be loading.
2. If you're not loading, you should be moving,
3. If you're not moving', you're dead.

J: In a life and death situation, do something . . . It may be wrong, but do something!

K: If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about? (I call it being prepared)

L: You can say 'stop' or 'alto' or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much a universal language. AMEN!

M: You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.

If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, please forward.

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265 youtube subscriptions
watch maybe 5 channels total
need to clean up this mess one day

vile nonce who prayed on altar boys

lol fuck off smal teste


what's rorke banging on about today then lads

americans hahahah

cannot think in my 26 years of life in australia when i have been in a situation that would have been improved by adding firearms into the mix

Find I subscribe to lots of people with an interesting video or two but then never go back because it’s usually the same shit over and over

did you just make a pun about institutionalised catholic paedophilia?

if they're not pepsi can sized they're not big around here sorry lad

just won another debate

know a woman called Corona
she's having a rough time because everyone's joking around her

your mum

did he nonce you personally?

Exclusively browse /brit/ and Yas Forums.

Can anybody recommend any other boards for somebody like me?

cardinal hell or something i wasnt really listening


waiting for the punchline

literally the reverse

this but my mexi friends favorite beer hahahha brown little fag

doesn't matter
if 50 people independently come out and say someone's done something then they've done it
you can't say its coincidence at that point

Roast dinner for breakfast. Lamb, roasties, veg and a yorkie pud with gravy. Lush.

reckon if you're gonna be saving pictures and cataloguing them as you're so fond of then you may as well do it correctly mate otherwise you're celebrating your own ignorance and you know it simple as

dont think that is true

Wasnt supposed to be a joke

do you identify as an atheist?

i identify as your stepfather you ugly little man

You don't have yorkshires with lamb, fuck off

I identify as a poltergeist


imagine bragging that your guns have been taken away, has taken your power away becuase like it or not a gun gives you the power to take lives

vile little rodent. you should cut your balls off too cunt. testosterone only makes people more dangerous you know.

just took a /brit/ aka a shit

have you ever talked to s**c*d* prevention hotline?

Frankly unnerving amount of women associate themselves with Lolita (the book/movies). See it in social media usernames more than I'd expect.

/cum/ is better than /brit/

Pretty good except feet per second is a unit of speed not time

NGL lads will be booking off November 3rd and November 4th and enjoying a comfy two days with snacks and the news rolling in.

history is the archetypal "i'm smart but lazy" subject. requires no cognitive power besides memorising stories

see: sargon of akkad, civ4 players and most posters on int

Lolita was a love story

no as im not a pathetic rodent of a man'

put the lol in lolita

why what happens then

About a dirty old man perving on his underage stepdaughter.

you think thats unnerving wait till you start having sex, every single girl is into DDLG role playing.

think its lack of a strong father figure. they crave being dominated and controlled by an older man becuase they lacked it during key developmental years. just my theory. xx

Did a history degree and unironically this is not the case.

There's no memorising anything, it's more about how you construct arguments.

>halloween is on a saturday and we get an extra hour thanks to DST
spoons anyone?


this post hurt me a lot
i don't know what to do

US Presidential election innit.

*googles ddlg*
hmmm yes i see

a degree in conjecture

Wish I went to a party where they played Carameldansen


every single girl lacks a strong father figure?