*Your train has arrived*

Attached: metroselvagem.jpg (700x425, 43.99K)

Rate my city's train

Attached: 163_St-Amsterdam_Av_(43142722030).jpg (2500x1607, 2.68M)

what a strange looking urinal

>plastic seats

the platform space looks very thin and the benches very unconfortable, but the train seats looks comfy and everything looks clean and new
id say 7/10

Low standards in your shithole, hey spicc?

Fuck off Yas Forumstard.

>*Sits on the blood soaked seat*
>What a rich an fascinating culture Brazil has!

Attached: b92.jpg (1242x1394, 354.39K)

>Chairs deliberately designed to be uncomfortable

Cry of fear anyone?

What, you're going to defend Brazil? Pathetic.

Do they really?

>get on mNYsubway.
>Broken down. Looks like apocalypse movie
>homeless everywhere. Yelling and making sounds on train. I try to ignore them
It was awful

>not using trams
Virgintrains vs chadtrams

Attached: veterantrikk[1].jpg (1000x563, 110.52K)

it's even worse here, during the day the station is bull of beggars and people selling things
our tram system was dismantled in the 50's :(

Spilling red powerade everywhere? Standards are slipping.

>Ocтopoжнo, двepи зaкpывaютcя.
>Увaжaeмыe пaccaжиpы, вo избeжaнии тpaвм дepжитecь зa пopyчни.

Attached: stantsiya-metro-avtovo.jpg (1920x1280, 934.06K)

I thought Russians were poor

>plastic seats
I think I'd rather walk.

In fact we are so rich that we built our metro to look like the home of an average Russian citizen. Don't believe western propaganda about Russia please.

Can I come to Russia to see this?


Attached: Ozc2AtR.jpg (1920x1231, 558.7K)

I loved i when I visited, it was efficient, it looked cool and it always kept me entertained lol

Oof hard cringe

Sure, you will see this in just about any city in Russia: Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, the list goes on...

you just won the birth lottery you mong, you are no better than a brazilian because of it

But you just named the only cities in Russia, the rest are villages

Not enough carpets on the walls to my taste

Yes I am. I am also better than you.

Villages covered in golden pillars and works of art?

t. Дeвяткинo

Why do Americans literally hate poor people so much

Keep going......

you are not better than me considering we both post here

Well, you may think that. However, you are objectively wrong.



maybe, but not likely

Attached: 1585862555132.webm (480x278, 2.99M)

Attached: metro-chelyabinsk-russia-most-beautiful-metro.jpg (700x400, 132.85K)

Чepнышeвcкaя gang вaщeтa