How come this guy is ethnic Turkish but look so dark and indian like ?
How come this guy is ethnic Turkish but look so dark and indian like ?
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calling a non-indian brown person indian-looking is such a dick move.
i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off.
No way hes turk
i'm sure that's true, but still, i would probably get violent if someone said i looked like an indian.
All Turks I asked said he is full Turkish and not even Kurd
He looks so Moroccan
He's famous I've seen him before
you look indian though
you want to take this outside?
Lmao are you that Nepali guy who chimped out about this
Fuck didn't mean to quote him
no. i know who you're talking about though. i was in that thread, where he posted a pic of a nepali actor and said he looked arab or paki or persian tier or whatever bullshit it was.
We are like the Poomericans of brown people so calling a brown person Indian is insulting just like you wouldn't call a European American because they seem to take it seriously in my experience.
What are you
a percentage followed by a spanish word for demon or goblin.
He looks brazilian
Isn't he Kurdish
Oğlum when I hear his music I feel like fucking up shit amk. Real high test music vallah
apparently not and even for kurds i have seen he is dark
yea it goes hard but its smooth and melodic at the same time
He looks like mix of Turk and Moor.
Looks nafri
he's hot
huge hands too, probably has a big cock
kys germ
fack off türk
I'm dravidan you filthy wyte
do you actually listen to him?
Turkish skin color ranges from cum white to shit brown
What's wrong with complimenting brown people?
Based Aryan/Dravidian
Mixture is possible but that passes as Turkish
I could see a Med-acclimatized Eurasian resembling a Cabolco
Doesn't look Aryan and Kurds tend to be darker than this
No genocidal retard just expulsion
wtf do kurds even look like then ?
Like Persians and northern Indians
then I don‘t give a fucking shit where you‘re from kill yourself