Poland vs Sweden

Poland vs Sweden

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i wish i were the dictator of america so bad so I could send degenerates to labor camps

I'm not opposed to being a part of a polycule as long as one of the children are mine. Honestly it sounds fucking great. You get to be a dad 2 days a week and then you get the rest of the week off to yourself.

After a hard day's work in the vineyard, I will return home to discover the delicious dinner served by my wife, and my beautiful children laughing and exclaiming their joy to see their beloved daddy back home.
I will tell them about the adventures of Odysseus and the exploits of Achilles. Nothing will be more beautiful than to see my children's eyes shine as they listen to my stories.
After I make sure they have fallen asleep, I will go to my room where my wife is waiting for me, to honour Eros.

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None of the faces in the first pic looks Polish, these are typical western faces. Also Poles never smile like that.

Imagine I posted embrace tradition/reject modernity pictures with amphora where ancient greeks buttfuck each other

>3 daughters

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Firstly all people from the top have typical Anglo/German facial features
Secondly Polish women are very jealous and will kill you or at least destroy your life if you will have sex with another woman


my friend actually believes this fake image while I debunked it for him and now he won't shut the fuck up about 1% of the 'white' or 'asian' women sucking nigger cock next to his yellow fever obsession. he's beginning to develop a serious paraphilia. completely obsessed with race and can't stop talking about it and fapping. genuinly worried for him guys. What can I do?


Both are cringe

>Both are cringe

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why are all these white nationalist images like 9/10 families with way more daughters than sons?
are all white nationalists pedos?

Why? You need to work on your anger issues.

>What can I do?
Knock his teeth out lol

any other advice polandbro? i miss my friend.


Racemixing is gross but your friend obviously uses demonization of white women to justify his pathetic gook fever. Just bully him until he submits honestly.

Nah, other than killing him I see no other option.

It's not that. It's genuine obsession with this interracial cuck stuff. Doesn't matter the woman aslong as she is white or asian. He told me about all these cuckold forums and it gets even worse. So fucking sad to see him devolve into this. I just want my friend back from when he didn't constantly talk about cuck stuff, race and women.

If you have a giant cock rape him mercilessly until he forgets about bbc

checked and basepilled

Doubt that will fix his parahilia problems.

Didn't know Tucker was swedish.

That's cuz you have a baby penis or lack dedication. Deep down all cucks want to get fucked, they just project their real feelings into cuckoldry because they are in denial.

please ruski. your psuedo freud psychoanalysis isn't of any help.
It's a paraphilia. Simple as. How do you help a friend with such an obession?

based if factual


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pretty based if you weren't an incel with a vivid imagination

>tfw ywn have this coz you're a faggot
I want to have my own house on the countryside with a husband tho. And we own a wineyard and do the work together like described minus the kids of course.

i really don't want daughters bros just sons