Are the Chinese right?

Are the Chinese right?

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what'd we do in the post that prompted this

i am just
just 3am shitpostan

I seriously don't know why we let Chinese people immigrate here.

the black death originated in china. it actually started when a medieval porn producer got this chinese woman too high on BBC energy during a BLACKED shoot and she developed a new plague (called Plague-1314 instead of chinese plague to avoid stigmatizing the chinese).

well assimilated, major contributors to the economy and tech industry, proud part of the american fold

lol but there's a concerning rise of sinophobia everywhere, including africa, chinese citizen /= CCP

high iq

Attached: BdFxKih[1].png (310x583, 9.72K)

I'm joining the "hate blacks team"

>well assimilated
You've clearly never been to New York City.

they don't have cultural elitism and denounce the west, they embrace it from what i've seen on youtube. they rarely if every try to tolerate friction with whites and see them as important collaborators and suppliers

t. poochinknadian
They’re not well assimilated. Maybe the children of Chinese immigrants are but definitely not them.

>they have evil eyes

Attached: 1553661069393.png (350x350, 51.57K)

>they don't have cultural elitism

>they don't denounce the West
Their home country is the West's biggest threat. They've been trying their hardest to increase their presence in Mexico and Latin America precisely just to try and topple the USA's influence

>they rarely if every try to tolerate friction with whites and see them as important collaborators and suppliers
Whites don't think the same of them. They'll be the first to tell them to go back to China.

they are right, multiculturalism is a failed concept

>They'll be the first to tell them to go back to China.
come on, I've never seen an instance of racial vitriol like OP towards chinamen, they're never called non-human.

everyone should just go back to their own ethnostates and trade with each other as different ethnic groups instead

Me neither. They’re almost always party loyalists that buy up real estate en masse to create Chinese enclaves.

that'll just incentivize conquering of less capable ethnostates and war between the dominant ones

besides the political fallout what's stopping China from curbstomping and lebensrauming your home country?

Doesn’t your country consist of like hundreds of ethnicities


Ironically enough a century ago China wasn't that much better off than most of Africa.
I also don't get why so many cuckservatives here are sucking off chink immigrants and go on how well they integrate when 90% of them just smuggle women for prostitution or making dumplings.

You're never gonna find that level of vitriolic hatred in the US because we're not sociopathic bugmen like they are, but you're naive if you think Chinese people don't get shit on here, especially ever since this pandemic started.

>what's stopping China from curbstomping and lebensrauming your home country
whats the reason to do so
most people are muslims and have the same skin colour so that's an identity on its own I guess

those are cherry picked comments

Exactly. Just look at what they're doing in Canada. Quite frankly, we need to really limit the amount of immigration coming in from China if we're not outright banning it.

Honestly I’d still place China on the same level as a lot of Latin American and African nations. Widespread sale of bushmeat, production and consumption of bootleg products including movies and video games, etc. Even Vietnam is closer culturally to a first world nation nowadays.

>Vietnam is closer culturally to a first world nation
kek fuck no

>1. Black people are decent people
>2. Not the niggers
>3. They are right

spreading the virus according to China.

Attached: China.jpg (1060x743, 257.21K)

It’s true. At least they produce media that isn’t the equivalent of those overwatch knockoffs China was pumping out like crazy a couple years ago.

China is on par with Latin America. It has a GDP per capita similar to Mexico's and a lower HDI.

ITT: seething nignogs and BBC fetishists

t. chinese american studying in japan.

out of 60+ internal minorities and within a global campaign targeting them racially they only select a few nigerians? what's the plan here?

Chinese live in a dictatorship isolated from everything but even they know how bad France is lmao

most are not this hateful but still prejudiced
kek you know nothing about both countries
Why the fuck niggers doing this?