Why do Westerners like to put random Black people into movies but not Asians or Indians or other race?

Why do Westerners like to put random Black people into movies but not Asians or Indians or other race?

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asians and indians are already white

the future of the west is black and white together combined

Blacks integrate into western society easily, chinks and pajeets are aliens

asians and indians integrate pretty well

Because western culture is keyword for nigger worshipping, stop consuming western media

Based Lempira
Fuck white AND black people

its a message to all non whites too if blacks that were considered the lowest of the society until not soo long ago can be the heroes anybody can .

also jews enjoy degrading every symbol of europeans with "niggers"

star wars characters and superheroes are important symbols of european heritage?

its breaking the parading of what suposed to be the role model in the most gruesome way posible ancient or new models it doent matter

we are living in a reverse nazi germany a bad parody of it

But they do? Indian Knight in medieval England?!

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>we are living in a reverse nazi germany a bad parody of it
have sex jorge

just read books, your heritage is preserved to anyone with a modicum of intelligence, toons and flicks would be shit anyway

we truly wuz.

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Because the vast majority of media is American, and the largest minority population in America with reasonable cultural and political power is Black Americans, so it's only right they get to be represented. Asians form like 4%, and Indians form less than 1% of America's population, Arabs even less.

Make your own movies senpai. Even your Japanese anime looks like white people. Japanese people don't have big eyes, blonde hair and whatever. We need some Asian anime, Japbros!

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and this is why i think china is going to lose against the west it offer an alternative to the rest of the non white world ,even muslism that have been killed their children mutilated and their womans raped would end up siding with america and the west as a whole against china ;they can prospere like never could ever dream of doing in china or in a chinese dominated future

in the end china will be alone completely alone

and china cant sacrifice her soul like the west have done with her own population

and that's a good thing

>,even muslism that have been killed their children mutilated and their womans raped would end up siding with america
i would literally fight with Satan if it's against the west
even the Chinese with their limited amount of soul are considered humans when compared to USA or it's euro colonies

>be me, bored
>browse rutracker to get free game
>find a point and click adventure 'Pillars of the Earth' about medieval England
>story is interesting and characters are realistic enough
>some time into the game MC encounters wool merchant, who is black (!!!) and has no reaction to it
The fuck
There aren't any more africans in the cast and MC behaves like it's nothing

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The west can not win, its destined to become brazil 2.0

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Russia = Whites + Asian
America = Brown + Blacks

Haaaaah, nice troll post. Muslims hate the Chinese with a passion.

Because there WERE black people in medieval Europe - but not Asians, Indians or other races.


stfu david-kun

the destruction of palestine and iraq is a little price to pay for the rest of muslim world so they can rape whats left of the west

how about churkas ?

North Africans and Arabs and Central Asia is literally closer to Europe than sub Saharan Africa

in all honesty, black people have always been in europe. spain for example has been conquered by black people and been ruled by them for centuries.
also, there were many blacks in medieval germany (at least in the south). i'm not even kidding you there's evidence

The noviop is just shitposting. Ignore

rus are all noviop.
zero whites

They just pass as exotic White people

For some reason Jews don't care about Asians. If you want it to change I guess you need to build some kosher restaurants or some shit.

Moors were literally Moroccans
Just just called them Black as an insult

indian kids dont go into acting in the west very often

because they still fear them

Depends, if said black was a different religion, shit should go wild in the old days.

fuck Netflix producer cucks

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Hannibal was not black. I hate Afrocentric retards that think that just because something is on the continent of Africa, it's black