Why Russians are Obsessed with That Show?

Hey Yas Forums i have a question, I've seen many YT Comments in every video related to Hazbin were majority in Russian.
Even Russian Tik tok and instagram accounts were obsessed with it

I Mean Why Hazbin Hotel is so popular in Russia?

Attached: Coomdegenarate.png (1545x1200, 389.04K)

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priviet. ya ruski.

get out of america vlad

Repressed homosexuality

Russians like emo shit. It matches their against the grain mentality from Communist rule. Same thing with Lil Pump and Lil Peep. Both had randomly large Russian followings. They like surreal and weird shit, an entire nation of goth pessimist freaks.

>Govt hates Homofaggots
>Country loves webcartoon that has demonic Homofaggots
What The FUU!......

It's just so catchy

Holy based

I am embrace and cherish my homosexuality! I wish to find a husband and let him take me to the US to the Oregon state so we could have a romantic walks in foggy forests...

Um, WTF Why this spider faggot dressed like a girl turning glorious men's heterosexuality into degenerates who will give up just for his sweet boypussy?

america polna, pedik

>rating and comments disabled

polna of faggots, yes.
That's his point.

what is this dogshit

Fuck's that shit, eh?

>Hazbin Hotel

If you see any animation memes about Hazbin on YT, most comments were in Russian
IDKWTF Why its fuckin popular
ironic eh

Russian tend to come to random stuff and make it popular amoung Russians.

Get this Japanese dude for example youtu.be/iUdBvNHi0Ik

How come Russians like Morrowind so much, on that subject? Seems like it was/is fucking huge there.


That's one of rare good games of our childhood, that's why.

It's very bright and joyful on contradiction with reality.

matches about all the russian biomes and npc interact similar to them

apologies, nwah

Attached: TMw_HWkCi_s.jpg (604x453, 88.26K)


This is one of the things that made me ask that question desu

I getcha, I felt the same way about TES and a bunch of other games growing up in a depressing rustbelt city. I was just wondering why Morrowind seems so big for Russia in particular. Were there just not many games on the market back in the day over there?

Attached: dunmer girl.png (649x732, 215.63K)

Only slightly related but a lot (most?) of the big classic Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube channels are Russian. Find this a bit funny.

What does it mean by it?

>Hazbin Hotel is so popular in Russia
Literally what? If it's another one weaboo shit so probably yes, all zoom-zoom fags like anime.

>depressing rustbelt city
Yo, what's up user? Cleveland reporting in

haven't cringed this hard in a while

Another shit for soyboys and fat roasties