Rise and shine
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Do V4 people think it’s cringe when white nationalists talk about how they want to move to Poland and muh based Orban?
No. A lot of my Western collegues are planning to sell their stuff and move here because they can't stand arabs. I have only one Hungarian neighbour and I'm not Hungarian either.
How can he live like this?
I am awake, sipping coffee
V4 in 20 years
based me too
Good morning sunshines :)
anyone else going to work today?
Blessing this thread with favourite girl of Slono :)
Not me I lost my job :)
my parents are overexcited over that big ass airplane landing
I'm attending an online meeting with my team at this moment
I had to make some shit up about stuff I was supposed to do last week
Yes, because """fellow""" """whites""" should be shot on the border along with allahakbars and ugabugas
White nationalism is multiculturalism for germboos
At least you wont get corona :)
it really is a big ass plane
But I also won't get the money :)
>I had to make some shit up about stuff I was supposed to do last week
Kek, same. Wonder how long can I keep this up.
No need for money when you stay at home :)
It's hard for me to care because it's basically impossible for me to get fired anyways, and even if I were to be I'd get multiple warnings beforehand (so far my boss sucks my dick on every performance review)
she still hasn't contacted me :(
it's only like 10% larger than A380s, but indeed looks very impressive
i ama retarded ugly fat incel
Just be yourself D. :)
Somehow you manage to sound even cringier than the average v4-fellating Yas Forumsyp.
But I didn't plan to stay home :)
>v4 countries are so based i wish i lived in a v4 country
What is your favourite Yas Forums meme?
Well now you have to :)
If they unironically think that Poland is like the 1950s USA with lax gun laws, extremely high living standards, affordable housing for everyone and high wages then yes, it is cringe.
Am white nationalist myself and no I don't think that, nobody wants to live in a country filled with shitskins.
Hard to say but probably Yes man