asian girls have the cutest eyes on this planet
Asian girls have the cutest eyes on this planet
what's wrong with her face?
you can't cum on it
Too much makeup hiding her ugly rat features.
silence roastie
its not even a meme, theres a high chance she looks like that.
i believe you
no but i love this human being
Only loosers think like you
Alpha males date white women
>Yes i don't have an asian gf how could you tell?
superior yayoi eyes
So many asian women LARPing with a vpn kek
Know your place "real" white men wont give a shit
>superior yayoi eyes
i find her very pretty.
superior yayoi eyes
taking a wild guess
>Lives in SPAIN of all places
>Wants an Asian gf
Come here cunt, i'm going to kill you
Can't see face because of makeup
>soulless black eyes
They're like brown eyes but worse, they look like actual NPCs.
This. All slants are ugly asf.
t. jap gf haver
>fake lashes
>eyelid surgery
On that video it could've been a woman of any race and it'd look exactly the same given all these parameters
i prefer gook men