A gang of mutts calling themselves the "KillerZ" is currently going around my neighborhood murdering people.
What the fuck should I do?
A gang of mutts calling themselves the "KillerZ" is currently going around my neighborhood murdering people
Where the hell do you live? Baltimore?
Wut. Post more info.
Do what you do best Amerinon.
OP dead RIP
The south
When the quarantine started my neighborhood’s patrol officer riled up a gang of followers to take over the neighborhood for their own personal gain. They started by annexing the houses nearest by the police officer’s house until they established a base of base of operations. Joining the gang requires your house to surrender all of your house's women into a "womb pool," where any man in the gang is allowed to rape any woman at any time. This included children and the elderly.
Naturally not every family agreed to the officer’s terms, so the gang began raiding houses of those who would not join and murdering resistors.
After annexing a large portion of the neighborhood, the gang eventually stopped forcing all immediate houses in. However many families have begun trying to help the women escape from the gang, and the gang murders all escapees and those who helped them. They also sometimes attack houses who hold particularly desirable women.
Raids are extremely bloody and do not end until every man in the house is killed in combat or captured and executed. My neighborhood’s people are heavily armed leading to very dangerous firefights. I’ve had bullets fly through my walls multiple times.
My house thankfully has no women, but some of my neighborhood friends have been trying to form a resistance army. I am always at risk of being seemingly associated with them. It is unlikely that anyone can oppose the gang as their leader is too powerful. No hope comes from outside due to the quarantine, and all 911 calls just go to the patrol officer.
There are truly dark times ahead
I don't believe you
Nice creative writing, user. Bit edgy for my tastes, but there's room for improvement in everything.
americans are absolutely my most favourite posters, their comedic shitposting is what makes me come to Yas Forums
even their racistposting is funny
It is all true. The rest of the world think they have it bad with the Coronavirus. They have no idea what’s going on here
Fucking lol
Booby trap your house Kevin Mccallister style.
Shoot every non white you see.
Someone tried doing that already. They tried to rig a fire trap. Ended up burning their house down and the entire family burned alive.
Not gonna happen.
Just get murdered by them you useless POS
Who are their targets?
stop watching movies you delusional ameridumbo
similar story here. there's a tweaked out family who i'm pretty sure are all inbred that have been neighborhood nuisances forever, but they're taking advantage of the collapse of order to literally run people down in their busted up truck. they run drivers off the road into trees, hit random pedestrians, and smash into people's houses when they're away. i'm staying strapped up bro this shit is so fucked
this nigga watched too much red dawn
So like that movie where crime is legalised for a night the one Rick and Morty spoofd
This is a larp, a very pathetic on at that
I can see this happen in third world countries but can this actually happen in murica?
It doesnt have to be fire traps, just anything that would injure someone trying to get into your house or alternatively, dissuade them from breaking in should you not be home.
Alarm goes beep beep but window sills lined with razor blades cut a nigger up
It can actually happen at a very small scale but something like that would inevitably get noticed by county/state officials
that wouldn’t be ideal. You see most houses don’t go down in a firefight, the gang tries to kidnap people if they can. Only fortified houses are lucky enough to go down in a firefight and hopefully die a quick death to a bullet.
Their execution methods by contrast are especially horrific as they try to deter rebels. A man unsuccessfully tried to break his daughter out of the womb pool last week. They began by tying him down putting metal frames (like pic related) in his eyes to force him to watch his daughter be raped 16 times in each hole. Then they forced him to watch them put a shotgun in her mouth and blow her head off.
Next they removed his pants and used a woman to get his penis erect, and they forced him to put his penis down the bloody throat of his dead daughter.
They then hooked up a car battery to his testicles and tortured him for one hour. Finally they killed him by pouring gasoline over him, lighting him on fire, and using a sledgehammer to smash his testicles while he was burning.
Obviously not the best way to go. I will try to remain neutral.
utter bullshit
Please, stop user, noone believes you anyway
You really need to stop fapping to guro.
that's actually quite scary
shut up fun police
Aaah yes Murica a first world country