When you depressed, what would you do?

I'm almost in the situation.

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I live with it I guess? Do some exercise, play engaging video games, listen to music, read about stuff

Masturbate and drink

I pray to Jesus

maybe asians would be less depressed if they just exercised for once in their lives

The best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

i frenpost

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If it long-term depression due to your current situation there's not much you can do other than working in changing said situation.
If it's the feeling of falling into depression because of stress I just try to do something I enjoy and to sleep.

Should add things like stress eat, jerk off, light shit on fire, drive, shitpost, etc so I dont sound like a total fucking normie fuck. Was waiting to go to a school finally so I could do something proper but they closed down entirely.

>more than 8 years depressed
>family isn't supportive
>have no close friends to talk to
I just live with it because I know I am fucked in the head. I play casual video games to help lighten my mood, listen to calm game soundtracks, watch cute animation movies on tv and cat videos on youtube, just anything to get my mind off suicide.

I've never been depressed in my entire life

That a weird question, in a way. Depression is a natural response to either a fucked situtation or a fucked life. Either change the situation or change your life. Or then just live with it, its unlikely that things wont change, at least a little bit, for the better (with regards to the depressive mood).

Who's quote?

>Depression is a natural response to either a fucked situtation or a fucked life.
Not necessarily. I mean, you always think that there's a valid reason, but that reason may be completely trivial from the perspective of a healthy person.

Back in my teenage years I remember that for a period even the fact that I was human and therefore had limits caused me distress.

The guy stuff bears are named after

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I'm on NoFap.

Do you study something? work?
Are you a lazy fuck?

Does prostate milking count as fapping?

You seemed that just wasting time…I guess.

Just forcing yourself out of your comfort zone

Yes, I study and work. I only do all of that in my free time.

Is that depression, though? Existential crises come and go, when prolonged might cause some symptoms.

>literally drowning a moose
Wtf is his problem ?

Sounds lazy.
I don't wanna that much.

Then you're good. If you were a lazy subhuman with a fried, no attention span brain like me then it would be over for you.

I thought I was depressed then I realized I had a high hedonistic tone because of Yas Forums, vidya and tv

He IS the bull moose. He's the only president who boxed vs professional boxers while holding office as president.

Learn something new.

Your parents any blamed on you?

I guess it wasn't the main reason of my depression, but it did make it worse.
And even if you think about it, many people become depressed because of divorce, whereas many people cope just fine. It's a natural response, but some people have a response that is too strong for it to be functional.

See a psychologist and get some real help.

>Mmh... Yeah... Yeah... That'd be 50€

Even then, the solution (way back to functionality) is to tackle the situation. So i dont understand your point? Some people are more sensitive, sure, but theres really no anecdote for that. Sensitive people have to do what everyone else does to get by, just more work. Or then they simply have a fucked life.

You're response is so lacking of any real experience or knowledge on the subject. Typical of one of you people.