
formerly /brot/

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you write I tour
we make it work
you're beautiful
and I'm insaaaaane



>get a haircut

fuck you normie

mental how there's mountains under the oceans and that

I wish I slept at a normal time.

im smart but lazy
real undiscovered gem me

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Love a fag, a drink, a good feed of grub, a fanny and a warm bed. Simple as

into some absolutely stinking tracks lads
I truly have abhorrent music taste

Said it last night but I'll say it again, think it's beyond mental that someone who was looking to predict the populations of wildlife essentially stumbled upon the nature of the Universe.

its a big old galaxy out there, and i'll never get to see it

what a cute swan

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I have to admit Id bang that dark paki girl thats a self avowed Communist
Right in her moose looking face

careful mikey the custodial tends to prosecute opinions as based as this

what are you referring to

Do you never get bored? You've got a brain, ever thought about using it?

gf asked what i wanted from nandos lol

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it's a focken emu man

Hey guys this is the first time vpn worked with me idk why but i’m happy

He who shall not be paid

whats a nandos?

Can I pet him?

You sound like you definitely don't know anything about the Birmingham pub bombings, it was a major fuck up and the IRA refused to take credit for it until recently

6 innocent Irish brummies spent 10+ years in prison for it
There is still a big campaign for justice for the 21 an entire 46 years later


is she single?

Hi guys say hi to your fellow brit and not a proxy bong bong

Look up Bifurcation Logistics Map and the Mandelbrot Set on YouTube. It's crazy.

Some key info:
Robert May
Feigenbaum's Constant

Nothing wrong with simple pleasures.

Good for you mate

You bothered about him aswell. I’m already evading a ban. Fuck him. A wog cunt
Ah yes, you’re real intelligent aren’t you lol. A gomey boy no more than myself. Lose the ego mate

>is she single?

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fair play

Get a haircut. Get a haircut he says. Maybe people like they're hair long. The nerve of that fucking normie.

Trannies are bad but get some new material mate


Might rewatch the simpsons from the start until it gets bad

no thanks that sounds like its not 4am research material

actually fucking dumbfounded by women, have a total lack of understanding of these creatures

is this what the dunning-kruger effect looks like?

absolute state of youtube these days

Thank you my fellow british

Shut up faggot

There's nothing wrong with it I know but fuck me does it get boring after a while.

Then again, I'm a bit of a VF so might feel differently if I was getting poon on the regular.

I’m not going to lie to you mate. I don’t know much about it. What I’ve heard anyway is that they were off duty military. So, a legitimate target in all fairness. I know about the Guildford 4 but don’t know much about those 6 poor souls

>There is still a big campaign for justice for the 21 an entire 46 years later
Like any other atrocity committed during the troubles, any number of inquests, 0 convictions and nor will there be. That’s on the part of the IRA, Loyalists and army.

genuinely the most beautiful peace of music i've ever heard just listen to this in another tab

gho away

irish sobs stories about how they are or were treated in england are literally all fake as part of a campaign by irish activists starting in the 60s to try and equate themselves with ethnic minorities, starting with the"no blacks no irish no dogs" signs that literally never existed, then the "irish slaves" myth, then this idea that irish people in IRA-bombed areas suffered widespread violent reprisals (which is ludicrous considering that in birmingham, warrington and manchester white people are usually of irish descent)

i'm from an irish family myself, but it's just pathetic

Kick down the door unannounced while she lay on the couch
I gives a fuck this your house, place that crotch on my mouth

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>get some new material mate
oh shut the fuck up you bent cunt

Genuinely, and I mean this even though its cliche as fuck at this point, genuinely your loss.


>with a side of dill dough

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Anglo mad

well you could have not been such a smug cunt and just explained it here

What ego? No ego at all mate, you've demonstrated yourself to have more to you than just fannies, pints and warm beds.

It’s nothing to do with England. They were treated like second class citizens in the north of Ireland. How is that fair. Shouldn’t act upset then when they arm themselves and take action. I’d do the same myself. Any man with a shred of dignity would, whether he be Irish, English or Scottish.

have a casual interest in this
what I don't understand is when you see videos like "TEN QUADRILLION TIMES MANDELBROT SET ZOOM IT'S FUCKING WACKY" why is there a load of colours
surely the mandelbrot set is a binary system

Nothing gay about getting fucked by a PIKEY BVLL right?

Ghaddaffi turned Libya into the most developed African country. He warned Europe that if he was removed the entire country would turn to chaos and become a launchpad for refugees. Which is exactly what happened.

The man was a psychopath but he did abolish his WMD program at the request of the West. So removing him was pretty scummy and sent the wrong message to other dictators out there. Now they are all gonna make a dash for nukes, like Kim or the Iranians.


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>point out someone is being retarded

>wow ur so mad

most brainlet retort ever

damn, is rourke finally finished?

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>The man was a psychopath
no he wasn't
be quiet

>equate themselves with ethnic minorities
They drew inspiration from the Black Civil Rights movement in America, and rightly so. Catholic’s really didn’t have any rights in the 60s. It was loyalist reprisal due to catholic’s simply protesting institutional abuse through peaceful protest that saw the burning of Catholics out of their homes and the split from the OIRA to the PIRA, the rest is history. Don’t chip in on what you don’t really know what you’re talking about. None of it was a ‘myth’.

keep sobbing on your celtic top about imaginary discrimination

I’m a simplistic man deep down. We all are

you absolutely stink of dunning-kruger
you half understand it so you think its massively more important than it is despite being totally incapable of explaining anything yourself
i imagine you watched one of those 15minute animated youtube videos from something like kurzgesagt that overly simplifies everything for digestibility and then massively overstates its importance for click bait

How dare you deny the sacred authenticity of the irish holocaust?

We live in a society

They make it out to be much bigger than it is by nature. Every belittled group does that. The Armenians that suffered from the Turks do it, you can find endless examples

I thought you were supposed to be a white nationalist, emmett

sounds like the cope of a below average IQ undereducated indidivdual too cowardly to confront his own intellectual shortcomings, so you pretend everyone else is a simple as you

This thread is shite too lads

no we don't
be quiet

what do protestants and catholics have in common? their daughters are both being rooted by muslims hahahahhahahhha

where in that post did i mention the struggle in norn? i support a united ireland and physical force republicanism in the context of the troubles. the post was about the fictitious claims of widespread discrimination in england.

Probably is to be fair

it was and is a myth, you learn youre so called opression from TV soaps, you don't experience it in real life

>me smart man me read book
I would consider myself quite intelligent, I’m studying law at a prestigious university and I’m quite well versed on literature and other assorted topics and you sound like an absolute fruit. A shirtlifter. A faggot.

rooted is such an ugly word
aussies tend to have an ugly spirit however

>What I’ve heard anyway is that they were off duty military.
I've heard IRA supporters say this bollocks before but they were 2 packed out pubs in the heart of Birmingham city centre on a Saturday night, the majority of the victims were innocent civilians

A lot of the IRA bombings in England had some integrity and tried to avoid killing innocent civilians but this was the exception, I think there was a confusion with the timings and the bombs went off less than 5 minutes after the phone call and there was no time to evacuate safely
but there was a break though a few years ago when a former IRA man finally admitted to being part of the bombings although it never really lead to any justice

the irish are people of colour and know the struggle of being an ethnic minority please do not degrade their experience

I wouldn’t reckon it would be fictitious. I know a few old lads who told me how they were treated in England and Scotland during that period. Dragged out of their motors, locked up and their motors took apart merely because they had an Irish accent.

Of course I am.

So do you

He isn't talking about England not NI

couldnt give a flying fuck what you think. come back when you've actually achieved something little runt, being on a university course means literally nothing

Can't really but here's a graph that demonstrates what happens if you try and calculate x+1 = rx(1 - x), the bit where it goes haywire is basically chaos where r is roughly beyond 3.6. It's fractal in nature meaning that if you keep zooming in on those bits you get the first couple of bubbles before it repeats itself over and over again.

The fucking incredible part is how it relates to the Mandelbrot Set. The bubbles at the beginning are the black bubbles in the Mandelbrot Set. Where it starts to get chaotic, that's where your colourful spirals and shit in the Mandelbrot Set are and because they're fractal, you can just keep going and going and going.

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again, read the bloody post again, it's not concerning the ra or even the conflict in norn, see:

Well, I don’t support the killing of innocent people. Military is fair game but civilians aren’t.

No they aren’t.
Be quiet you hopeless attention seeker.

any virgin media static IP man in? I genuinely have to sit out a ban if I get one and can only phone post in the mean time

The worst thing is that I suspect my little brother uses this website too and has seen this ban and knows it's me

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Fucking spastic, catholic’s in northern ireland were second class citizens and when they marched for civil rights in the 60s loyalists burnt whole neighbourhoods out:


It’s very well documented. The stormont governments notorious track record for human rights and institutional abuse is why it was suspended, and loyalists burning catholic’s out of their homes is why the PIRA rose up to bite them in the arse you uneducated little dolt.


Batty boy.

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i don't doubt there could have been a few incidents, but facts from the era don't support it.

dont get it, nor the wider implication of this mathematical odditiy


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Shut the fuck up.


The gall of you to say that while talking about the Birmingham six

I would tell you to download opera and use the vpn feature but that might be too technically difficult for you

>35 bans
they count your bans?

that be a male

life during the Australian millennium

Yeah. These were travellers like. Must have thought they were bringing in explosives

clearly you feel an inherent alleigance to team brainlet

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well they sure as fuck aren't counting money

I dunno pretty sure I haven't had 35 bans

All paramilitaries were excused of their past actions under the good Friday agreement, none will be prosecuted. It was a stipulation of the agreement. The inquests are just for closure for the families of victims really.

didn't read a word of this post and certainly didn't watch a second of that video

might get drunk

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Yes, I’m an Irishman. It’s that simple. But I also live in England and interact with the English people on a day to day basis. It’s the British government that was at fault, not the people.

I think Blur and Oasis suck

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tell me, why does she wear the blindfold

I agree.