Why do they go bankrupt every 5 years?

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jews don't want us to be successful

gotta confuse the economy to make it grow

We taught them really good.

The true disciple is the one who surpasses the teacher.

coronavirus bro lol

outstanding high IQ (I am not joking)

argentines are honorary Italians

so pizza pizza taught them really good I guess


50% of their population abhor working and actually believe shit should be free


Because most of the people here are socialist, no really it's a fucking shithole, the people that actually cared about economic freedom and Separation of powers left the country or are in process of doing it.

There's no way back, this is going full Haiti in 20 years this will be one of the worst countries on LA if it isn't already.

only 50? lol
and why should we work? shit should be free, yes, and we should keep borrowing money and NEVER paying it back
what are they gonna do? invade us? lol. that'd just mean they'd have to mantain us and spend money to occupy us

50% is a good ballpark figure, at least you ain't venezuela where 95% of people don't even know what working means

Med genes

do we in the US get the majority of hardworking Hispanics? Is most of Latin America just really lazy people?

>do we in the US get the majority of hardworking Hispanics?
not really. you get mostly trash. In most of latam half of the population supports the other half through taxes and actual productivity. I'd say the latam middle and upper classes are by far more productive and skilled than the average hispanic economic migrant in the usa

>do we in the US get the majority of hardworking Hispanics? Is most of Latin America just really lazy people?

No. Only losers move to another country. Winners could be successful even if they were born in a 3rd world shit hole.

>We taught them really good
I'm a burger and don't know shit about Europe, but did the Spanish economy ever NOT suck during the colonial era?

Nah shut up man a lot of people that emigrate to US work like slaves in fucking farms in California.

that's my point. half of foreign-born hispanics in the usa didn't even finish high school adn they come mostly from central america mexico or cuba/dominican R.

Ask him, Carlos II. He embezzled the richest empire ever.

The 17th century was a period of economic crisis for many European states, and Spain was not alone in facing these problems.

He was literally a retard and the powerful characters betrayed him. He did absolutely nothing for obvious reasons.

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what are some decent books about spanish history?
we never really get taught much about that except for the early 1800s

Literatura para entender a la sociedad con sus contextos históricos o libros exclusivamente de historia?


you tell me

Peronism keeps in power because they handle gibs that the state can't aford. In order to keep in power, they ask for foreign money, which put the country more in debt.
And when they run out of money, they nationalize something that belong to a foreign company, and try to sell it again for other foreign company. This led to no one wanting to invest in Argentina...

jkakjjakkjajkajkajkkaj this is the gorilla
anus still bleeding from mighty cock of getulio and lula

........ki kulanu oavim ima shelja kjjkajkajkajkajkajkjkajka kus

Macri tried to fix the country, but the average Argentinian don't understand how economy works and protest because of the austerity. This lead to protests in 2019 and the election of someone from the party that started this spiral of debt JUST BECAUSE HE PROMISED GIBS.

Not True

jkakjajkajkajkkja this one doesnt understand anything but then again few foreigners do. argentina has been bearish since the 1960s and this crisis is terminal. expect 75% poverty rate, hyperinflation and worse.
after october 2021: 55 years of prosperity and we get the malvinas back.-

But it's true.
It's unrealistic offer free high education for everyone, and when i say everyone, i am saying everyone even from other countries.
For fucking sake, your country offers 6 months of paid leave for pregnancy. Your country is being overrun by indios having children to not work...

In Argentina there are two parties:

The one public servants vote for


The one private workers vote for

Both do absolutely the same nothing just like the rest of LatAm political parties.

Just try to relax and get a diploma, work that pays in dollars or a public job and you are set to live comfy life with some economic struggles

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??? where do you even get your news from???
macri is the one who massively increased foreign debt, and the one who asked the IMF for money
CFK's government did the opposite and paid off most of the debt from 2001(also taken by a liberal government)

peronist economic policies are usually mediocre, but takign foreign debt is not a thing they do

university tuition is 0,00000000000001 percent of state expenditures

current government spending is peanuts. a lot more money goes pay debt and interests on debt taken up by the macri government.

we will default the debt and hyperinflation will take care of regular government spending. the new system will be beautiful after the misery of the followeing two years

you have to be a mentally retarded monkey to think unviersity tuition is the root of all problems, but then again, your are a brazilian monkey

>peronist economic policies are usually mediocre, but takign foreign debt is not a thing they do
Then explain to me how Argentina entered the Default in the first place.
Macri took your country out of the Default, and just recently, your new government just jump to another Default.

Do you think that he could fix the entire debt in just 4 years?

jkakjajkkajjkajkakjkajkjakj is mentally retarded chimp.... cannot compute

Because the USA is keeping them down, like most Latin American countries

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Retarded post, nice trips.

I gave you two examples of things that you can't afford, and you use it as I was putting the blame on it.
Fuck you.

Let me guess, you are another prominent Argentinian economist from the university of Buenos Aires, A joke for the entire planet.
For fucking sake, African countries don't do so much shit as your country do.

America did not intervene in Africa being taken over by Socialists. WORK GREAT FOR THEM.

>Then explain to me how Argentina entered the Default in the first place.
some people were paid, some others weren't. 90-something% of people who we borrowed from agreed to get paid a certain amount, the rest didnt. its a partial default
>Macri took your country out of the Default, and just recently, your new government just jump to another Default.
that just maens he agreed to a shitty deal, and payed back like an obedient goy
by the beggining of Marci's government foreign debt was something like 20% of the GDP, now its like 80%
why are we in default again? because Macri borrowed a retarded amount of money that we cannot pay back.

please inform yourself before talking, you're spreading made-up shit which other people might believe

You must be a woman to suck so much at economy.
The risk is too high. Argentina could pay his debt in a couple of years if the economy was not that crippled like it is. But your government think that have a Africa tier economy is better than "not own money for the eternal American".

embarassing post

In LatAm there are only two scapegoats to the same problems:



Both leads towards the same dead end.

This despair is what mostly likely leads towards our own self-destruction and the impossibility to understand our real problems.
There are much more important things that economic greatness and geopolitical superiority such as culture and the morality of our people

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