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What are the chances he fucks this up and still get reelected?


he can't fuck this part of it up. he can't 'reopen' the economy, it's not within his constitutional powers. he tried to quarantine the tri-states, he got shutdown by Cuomo.

Biden ain't going to win

>teh US of A will be led by Orange Man for 4 more years
god bless

Given he wasn't even elected in a democratic way I think the changes are very big.

im gonna die from homelessness before i die from coronavirus tbqh lads

He has a pretty good shot of getting re-elected

>fucking up

If there was any other democrat than Biden against them 100%. But against Biden he will win


I would re-elect him any day. He's bee their best president in ages.

How come there's no good presidential candidate in a country of +300 million people
You get Trump and Biden which clearly has dementia

they're the cream of the crop i'm afraid.
the rest of us barely count as human.

Nigga even with 5.5 million there's more for president

no one here can match the purity of the finnic race

Money and corruption. The we're talking money that could set your family up for 100 generations so it's no surprise there's corruption.

I mean the presidential race even has multiple candidates from different parties.

the parties work like a gang they dont just let random people run

Yeah ofc not the parties put their candidates just like there

Trump actually had a 45.8% approval rating because of the crisis, highest it's been his entire presidency. It's been in decline since April 5th however.


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He’s already fucked it up, retard

This is really how the Republican Party is now. They’ve gone from being the party of muh constitution to shitting all over the constitution in order to embrace the personality cult of a deranged psychopath

both parties. You should've seen the cult of Obama with all of the media, celebrities and twitter calling him a great humanitarian as he was target bombing hospitals and schools.

lol what a cult of personality faggot

Enough. Obama was a million times more benign than Trump

>it doesn't count when we do it!
the irony of saying whataboutism, especially with Democract Bush Jr II. And no, Obama was just more polished. He was for worse of a disaster than Trump.

Obama was absolutely horrendous for the world at large, Trump is causing much less damage worldwide, even if domestically he's sending everything to hell at a level unseen under Obama. There is a cult of personality about Obama. There's a reason why no one running for president criticized him about anything and made sure to praise him every chance they got. The difference is that Obama tries very hard to make sure the cult of personality is grown from the bottom, not the top. Obama is a big fan of his reputation and he knows it would sink if he himself was running stuff but if other people are doing it? That's different. That's the key difference between the two cult of personalities. Trump's is overt and purposely manufactured by Trump himself. Obama's is more subtle and doesn't really take commands from him. Both lead to fascism but one is at least say, a one-party state rather than a supreme dictator.

t. politics pro

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