
>super insecure
>feel depressed
>set tinder location to india
>80 likes in a half hour
thank you india

Attached: 1517974086079.jpg (250x242, 7.87K)

Where in India ?

PLEASE marry me
we can have an open relationship if you want dear

You could set your location to Antarctica and Indian men would still sniff out the white coochie to leave "Luv bob and vagine" comments.

Set your location to Brazil and I will give you a like too.

Attached: feel.png (645x773, 6.53K)

So, are you going to show bobs and vagene, or what?

I will hold you in my arms, I will kiss you whenever you want me to, I will tell you everyday how great you are, I will tell you how beautiful and smart you are, I will give all of my love. I'm your slave, I'm your dog, I belong to you my dear, whatever you want me to be or do, I'm at your service.

baby don't listen to these latinos, they're all players with multiple girlfriends and they'll cheat and break your heart
she was mine first, latino loverboys! get your own girlfriend

If you were really a girl, you would not need to change location to get 80 likes in half an hour.

Stay away from her you dutch boy, you're not good enough for her, and you will not give her what she needs.

Meant to reply to , fucking dutches playing with my mind with their drugs and stuff

i approached this fair maiden first, and i pledge my eternal loyalty to hair. you're just a latino player. back off.

Do you want to fight?

it would be very painful.

Please be true!!

Yes, for you, because I'd defeat you and even kill you in a duel just to claim femanon's hand.

i would gladly die to protect my fair maiden's virginity.

Everyone here has a dick until proven otherwise.

I don't want to kill you user, just stay away from her and everything will be ok


why don't we let her decide?
who do you pick ?

Indian/Chinese would have sex even with your dog if it’s white.

, my sweet and dear lady, the decision is yours

This. Fucking newfags everywhere. I don't even want to see tits, just fuck right off out of here OP

This thread is simp central

Attached: 1543962671369.jpg (250x174, 8.81K)

>everyone fighting over me before they even see what I look like
this should end the argument pretty quickly. if anyone still wants me then we can talk

Attached: crop.png (389x235, 211.97K)



Ok, you get a match now how do you invite yourself to their place?

pick me my negative canthal tilted queen
we'll see the world together

accutane's gonna change your life

M-my lady...why would you do this? Why lie in such a way? You tear my heart into pieces...

Attached: uy.png (722x581, 96.33K)

“””You””” just have bad acne. You’re moderately attractive otherwise.

I’m always glad that I never had bad breakouts but I’m sure it will get better for “”””you”””” with time.

you're not a girl

I feel betrayed

Attached: 1557833881690.jpg (242x208, 12.84K)

>moderately attractive

um sweetie....

even a painting can get a shit ton of likes on indian tinder

Attached: 1584813842518.png (999x915, 934.76K)

Tits or gtfo

Acne is treatable. I had severe acne, but startied medication 3 weeks back and I wouldn't say it's all gone, but its much better. Use the online dermatologist Apostrophe, they send you medication at home and all costs amount to a little over $120. Don't be depressed, it will all be fine. Plus you are a girl so take things on easy mode.
t. soon to be 23 yo incel

>not an original image

Actually nevermind. No one cares about your GOTIS, gtfo.

extremely based

Hopes? Are you aware that girls don't browse Yas Forums right?
Pathetic incel

To be fair it's a very nice painting

helO beutifel... u r very sexci. Send me picure? I am wealthy in villa n Raurgupta Pradesh.... let me find yor lov?

I made a Tinder for my coworker after she got dumped by her boyfriend and she had 999+ likes after 6 hours, and we live in a small desert town of 10,000 people. If you have to change your location to fucking India just to get 80 likes as a girl then something here is not right.

Attached: 1557727470472.png (894x773, 48.03K)

I must recover my honor, and there's only way to do it...

Attached: b6d.jpg (550x462, 35.73K)

Without makeup
with makeup

Don't even look the same

Attached: 85992579.jpg (740x946, 78.07K)

Why there's a piece of cloth in his sword?

>alformed jaw

Yikes, looking like some FAS maybe?

Attached: download.jpg (239x211, 9.79K)

not to go full incel mode but i unironically prefer the top ones. she looks uncanny valley-tier with makeup on, literally like shes' a computer rendering or some shit.

How do you see your likes without paying?

i pick you baby you are so wonderful and fierce
we get married soon yes love you

bobs and vagene?

Go on Google Chrome on your PC and then log into Tinder and hit F12 and click on the "network" tab then hover your mouse over the blurred out images of your likes and the non-blurred images will appear in your network tab.

Attached: 1566194645628.jpg (1182x754, 52.32K)

*me dead*