
AM edition

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Girl: me
Man: /brit/

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imagine if you could make a living just taking pictures of your willard and arse

God I love fake tits

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tune youtube.com/watch?v=bpOSxM0rNPM

Draw this girl

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Yourself as a Simpsons character

A suicide note you fucking retard.

the slag

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It’s mad times we are living in. The same money you giv for images you could give that and shag an actual real woman. Technology will be the downfall of us

Shit lighting, too small



still yodelling at this

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Mikey (gypo) versus the anglo BVLL


we're living in the last days of rome 2bh

Yes, we are natural born alpha males. You grew up in a sheltered environment. Not exposed to violence, not exposed to anything. Naturally we are more alpha. It’s that simple. Cope more, mongo

Can't sleep

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Think the basic premise of twitch thots is that while prozzies actually shag TT's don't which somehow tricks simps and gimps into feeling some kind of wierd emotional connection to them because it's not such a mercenary payment for an act situation (in their pathetic minds)

cnn.....crappy news network

what's the context for this one?

ah the original song but flattened out into a dull cocktail bar background track how wonderful

Honestly child pornography being illegal is morally reprehensible.
Think about it. Imagine how much money could be raised for charity if children all across the world were allowed to sell their bodies. The amount of potential funding for relief, aid, and research that is being wasted by these laws is quite disgusting. We could have millions of kids putting up pictures of their asses up for sale for $100 a pop, and overnight raise more money for charity than the past hundred years combined.
Normies know this but they don’t care. They’ll let millions of people die to preserve their antiquated doctrine.

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We truly are. This worlds fucked

how will Yas Forums ever recover from this scathing irony?


just awoke

Maybe. Thinking about it watching them is free, so maybe they see paying as going the extra mile, putting them above the other viewers and so they're more "special"


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Did you yeah.
*puts you to sleep*

Morning Bruce


we could have cured cancer by now! how has nobody else thought of this

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Who is this spanner?

nonce alarm going mental

I’m in love with alcohol