How would you family feel if you brought an irish girl home?

how would you family feel if you brought an irish girl home?

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happy that I managed to get a gf at all

Disown me

>what a qt
>is she from Udmurtia?

I would get kicked out of the house

How many threads a day do you make like this ?

You make this same thread two times a day for the past few weeks, you do the one with Scottish girls as well, the art hoes and you are the guy who post Kaycee everytime and the girl from Paramore


I took one out once. It didn’t go anywhere, but my family was cool with it.

My parents would probably disown me because they're homophobic

are u a grill

hes mentally ill. not in a joke meme way but for real.

Glad I'm not the only one lol
Tbf to my parents, the Irish are pretty terrible people

My mom brought home an Irish guy, so there wouldn't be any room to complain.

my dad would share his "extensive" knowledge of Ireland and laugh at his own irish jokes

How would your parents react if your (theoretical) sister would bring a german guy home?

>Canada is opening the floodgates for Irish immigrants
How fucked are we?

Attached: canada irish immigrants.jpg (645x577, 133.72K)

Would be better than a medoid and Potato nig that's for sure.

They don't like Germans either, but it depends where in Germany you're from. I'm sure most of Germans they wouldn't consider white, so best if you're from Lower Saxony, Holstein, or something like that.

go back to your generals please

I am from Bavaria. Would they accept me?

My mom hate gingers but she would be happy that i'm not gay and actually got a gf despite being a 30 years old virgin

irish girls are sweet and pure. When I was in ireland I saw so many qts I wish I could have stayed there forever

Probably not, definitely not if you're Catholic.

Well I was baptised but I am an agnostic tho. I have the feeling that this makes it even worse. From which country did your ancestors come from?

Are you implying Ireland is protestant?

My mum is Irish, so it probably wouldn’t mean much desu

i don't know. only ukie girls are for our family.

My parents would be happy because they've been brainwashed into plastic pattyism. If my son brought an Irish girl home I'd beat him.

No? I said they would disown me if I brought home an Irish too.

What do udmurtians look like?

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"Oh she's Irish? Is she Catholic?"
They'd be fine with it, probably pretty happy if she's Catholic.