Do you remove your body hair?

I remove facial, armpit, public and anus hair
Also I don't have chest and back hair

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I shave my
I trim my

facial, armpit, pubic, ass
I have no real body or leg hair besides that

No, but I'm thinking about it.


No, why the hell should I. It keeps me warm in the winters and protects me against the sun in the summers.
I'm pretty much big foot, I'm hairy as fuck.

Yes I remove face leg arm chest and others parts

I shave my pubes when I'm about to have sex.
I'm a virgin.

I shave everything, specially my anus, just in case I have to get fucked again.


I just trim my beard when needed and keep my hair above waist level. Also shave my balls.

can't see why any man would do all this, unless you're a trap

I lost a vast majority of my body hair due to alopecia universalis. All I have left are a few pubes and some armpit hair.

>alopecia universalis

did you also lose hair on your heaD?
never heard of this shit before.

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i trim my beard down about once a month and pubes maybe 4 times a year. havent got a haircut in about 2 years

Lost it everywhere user. Started with my head and then it spread. I don’t even have eyelashes or eyebrows anymore, let alone arm hair and leg hair and all that.

i give everything a nice even trim

that sucks man.
Does it cause any harm other than that?
Sorry to hear about that.

post hairy chest uwu

no should i?

No. That's Haram. Only infidels do that.

I shave my upper body and pubes. Mostly so I can see how my workouts are going.
I realized that my hair was hiding a lot. Also, I get massages every Friday and it's 100x nicer without hair all over my body.

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I just shave my almost non existent beard, pubes and armpit, thank god i'm not a hairy wh*te bigfoot

unironically u go to hell if u don't shave ur pubes once every 2 months or 2 weeks i don't remember

why is everyone here shaving themselves? do your boyfriends require you to be smooth?

Alopecia’s linked to asthma and eczema so if you have one, you’re more likely to get the others. In my case I have all three (was diagnosed with alopecia, then eczema, than asthma in that order over the course of a few years). Alopecia itself doesn’t do anything else, though. The hair loss is completely painless. It could be much, much worse.

I want to otherwise ew

No, but my gf likes it smooth.

I trim my beard and cut my (head) hair once in a while.
If you are a man and you are shaving anything other than your face you're a fag.

groom facial hair, shave pubes completely and trim chest-belly to medium length. no back hair. never touched ass hairs, arm or leg hairs

For real?
Is that from the Hadith?

i once dated a Persian girl who had laser hair removal most everywhere below her waist (except her pubes, which she shaved). It was very smooth and soft, but also, surprisingly unappealing. Kind of unnatural and rubbery.

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I only shave my face, I wouldn't want to shave anything else.