Its been 72 hours since the last time I ate something

Its been 72 hours since the last time I ate something.
I'm kinda sick, and cannot manage to eat nothing.

>have this ever happened to you?
>What was the maximum amount of time that you passed fasting?

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Why are you fasting pablo, you anorexic argentinian incel from buenos aires?

eat something you fag.

one week

About 3 days, but then I started having headaches and feeling sick.

I feel sick you faggots, i've been barfing.

Why have you done it?

go to an hospital before it collapses with coronavirus patients.

why are jews so insufferable? he's in pain

I dont want, if I go to a hospital they will hospitalize me and keep me there during a week for coronavirus protocolo. That aint cool, man.

But I feel like shit. Gimme encouragement, user...

>Why have you done it?
There was a lot of talk about it on /x/. They claimed that fasting made you live longer

Because a long winter of doing nothing got me fat and I wanted my work uniform to fit me again.

just shoot some meth bro

>I dont want, if I go to a hospital they will hospitalize me and keep me there during a week for coronavirus protocolo.
absolutely not. they will try to get rid of you as soon as posible user. they are saving room for coronavirus patients, if you don't have any symptom of coronavirus you should go right night, if you condition worsen in a near future it may be to late for you because they will be only taking in people infected by the virus.

Think about England and how much you hate them.


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eat something light and easy to digest such as rice pulp to restart your stomach
stop fasting, that's dangerous and it will make you weaker

Wtf, did inflation in Argentina get that bad?

Lad please, drink a saline solution or break some magnesium tablets into water at least.
I have a friend who often has lapses like this and I have no idea how to help her.

1 day

I've just ate a portion of sponge cake because I thought that sugar would help me, and feel like shit.
I mean, If I was up to eat something, the thing with more energy was the better option, aint it?
My head hurts, and I feel like throwing out. What do?

Another reason to not go to the hospital is that I would be there completely alone, I think its being like that for every pacient now.

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el hambrientino

I am a fat ass so no, drank 1.5l of coke today, half a jar of medium sized nutella, some bbq and to top it off a large pizza. My aim is to die before I hit my 30s

sometimes I just go without eating for a day when I don't want to have human contact but I have never gone longer than a day

>If I was up to eat something, the thing with more energy was the better option, aint it?
Not exactly
First, sugar is not particularly energy dense, what you're thinking of is fat. It's just easier to digest because it's chemically a simple structure, however your body needs to produce insulin for it so there's still a tradeoff.
In general what food is better for your body (especially when you have to make a decision like you did now) is a complicated question because there's much more to it than nutritional value. Just stick to what you usually have felt comfortable with or, failing that, standard bland food like soft plain bread.
>What do?
Drink water, sit or lay down.

Lemme tell you that now I feel dizzy, and my head hurts... but my stomach feels better. I'm eating pumpkin soup, and by now Im not throwing up. I'll keep reporting to you!

I'm trying to drink as much water as I can, but my head huuuurts, and I feel nauseated.

Tell me that everything will be ok, int.

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You're low on glucose, drink some water with sugar if you don't want to pass out

This, drink sevenup or sprite you retard Argie

eat something like like saltine crackers and sprite. dont you have sprite? youre argentinian.


>have this ever happened to you?
I don't think I've ever spent more than 14 hours without eating something

>What was the maximum amount of time that you passed fasting?
see above

Tested it, actually 145 mg/dl, not low.

Anyway, I haven't that on home, and you can't buy nothing after 6 pm. Its 10:39, sadly...

I'm suffering user... gimme a hug...

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I once didn't eat something for an entire week