
Americans have a tough time speaking proper English edition

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Pink nipples and a two toned dick LOL get fuck't cutlet

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My on the right.

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My boss just thank me for my work and that they're taking a financial hit.
Laying off happening in a month, bros.

Remember Berniebros, not voting for Trump is indirectly a vote for Joe Biden

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Me in the pic (the person they are talking about)

That’s just marriage.

It's like being dominated with none of the fun. Where do I sign up?

How soon is too soon to ask for a number?

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before you've said hello

Should I download KOTOR

Before you’ve shed your first pair of skin.

I don't know if i can vote for Trump. I was planning on it but after selling supplies to other countries I question his allegiance to the nation. He seems like another corporate shill so it doesn't seem to matter who I vote for now. It just depends on what social issues I care about most.

not voting is a vote for everyone
they're all such good options

I don't think there is such a thing as "too soon", at least not for me. If I like a girl, even if we have just met, I will simply say "I like you, can we talk again sometime?"

I will e voting for Trump. The DNC can burn and so can Bernie that backstabber.

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huh? is this the society i live in? clown fiesta

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Wait I can't play it anyway because they dropped 32bit support with the latest MacOS jaja

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I don't know what I'll do without a job when there are no other jobs and no school


>I was planning on it but after selling supplies to other countries
What supplies? post a link

Thinking of suicide
Someone at my job got the Rona too

Smelly smellman, why do you smell?

Upstairs neighbour has been yelling “NOOOOO” “AHHHHHHHH” “COME ON!!!” and exasperated-swearing and loudly banging on things and also vacuuming for literally about 40 minutes straight. Wtf is going on up there

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yo nigga gimme dem jawdinz

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I was thinking of becoming more active in the next Conservative party leadership election. Might support Erin O'Toole.

I’m voting for drumpf because of trump bux

whatch'y'all niggas doing today
i just fired up the farming simulator, gonna plow some fields and sew some seed

pipes burst and he's vacuuming up the water

How do you even get to this point?

Checked trips
Don't end it, just suffer and hurt. You're strong enough to handle the pain, learn to enjoy feeling something over feeling nothing.

fuck the cuckservative party

Her fingers arouse me, sorry not sorry.

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I have been domesticated. It is not how things should be.

what does he get besides online degradation?

The rona crisis will pass eventually. Very stupid to end your life over a problem so temporary.

Your vote doesn't matter, nor does your voice

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>tfw wildman locked in a cage

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>china is making some zo illegal
i should make a big order while i can...