Most popular atheist invention among Muslims

Most popular atheist invention among Muslims.

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Its popular because its cheap and easy to mass produce not because of who made it

They don’t produce it tho

It's also extremely easy to disassemble. Imagine those mudhut dwellers disassembling an AN-94 lmao

want to give a shoutout to romania for making my RPK

Most popular muslim invention among atheists: literally 0

The inventor said he believed in God

Is this a clever joke about arabic numerals or you hating muslims

was he shot afterwards?

Obviously not.

same but for my wasr-10

I heard the Draco is pretty popular with gangbangers since it's considered a pistol somehow.

Attached: draco_logo_1_[1].jpg (1000x666, 57.61K)

Kalashnikov was not an atheist.
>After a prolonged illness Kalashnikov was hospitalized on 17 November 2013, in an Udmurtian medical facility in Izhevsk, the capital of Udmurtia and where he lived. He died 23 December 2013, at age 94 from gastric hemorrhage.[24][25][26][27] In January 2014 a letter that Kalashnikov wrote six months before his death to the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, was published by the Russian daily newspaper Izvestia.[28] In the letter he stated that he was suffering "spiritual pain" about whether he was responsible for the deaths caused by the weapons he created.[29] Translated from the published letter he states, "I keep having the same unsolved question: if my rifle claimed people's lives, then can it be that I... a Christian and an Orthodox believer, was to blame for their deaths?"[30][28]
>The patriarch wrote back, thanked Kalashnikov, and said that he "was an example of patriotism and a correct attitude toward the country". Kirill added about the design responsibility for the deaths by the rifle, "the church has a well-defined position when the weapon is defense of the Motherland, the Church supports its creators and the military, which use it."[28]

They call it a "choppa" here

>slavshit trash

The draco may be popular with gangsters, but it's also popular I believe because it retains more, if not all, original romanian factory parts because it's a handgun (as opposed to the larger rifles which have to replace some parts with US-made parts to be compliant with some bullshit import laws)

it's incredible how obsessed Yas Forums is with us muslims
literally and figuratively rentfree real estate

I've heard about that. Most of the time they replace the furniture so you lose the dong aesthetic.

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>want to search for the hadith / passage in the Qu'ran where it is forbidden to fight with the weapons of infidels
>Jewggle literally sucks Islams dick and gives me retarded articles about how muslim scholars denounce WMDs and ISIS
i fucking hate google so much

He was old, he was not in his right mind.

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>implying Muslims are able to produce anything

actually arabic numerals were invented in india

in the US, we value eastern european made components and are bitter when they are replaced with american ones.

>Imagine those mudhut dwellers disassembling an AN-94 lmao
Isn't that literally the same design as an AK only a higher velocity yet smaller cartridge?

>Isn't that literally the same design as an AK
Only from the outside you brainlet

Explain how it functions differently from an AK-47/74 internally

Don't need it when China sells then as cheap as a used cellphone.

I hope you get raped by some somalis

He lives in Norway. Chances of being raped by lawless migrants running rampant are minimal

>Isn't that literally the same design as an AK only a higher velocity yet smaller cartridge?
2 words "feeding shuttle"

vs picrlt

Attached: download.gif (1400x785, 719.98K)

no, 0 was invented in India and merely transmitted to europe by muslims

I tend to show more interest in western armory, apologies

Mikhail was an Orthodox Christian, you retard.

>In the letter he stated that he was suffering "spiritual pain" about whether he was responsible for the deaths caused by the weapons he created.
>Translated from the published letter he states, "I keep having the same unsolved question: if my rifle claimed people's lives, then can it be that I... a Christian and an Orthodox believer, was to blame for their deaths?"

Atheists are really this petty.



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Isn't that an AN-94?

most popular belgian invention with mexicans

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The FAL still the king IMO.
Even today some of our forces here decided to update their older FALs to Para-FAL(pic) instead of the POS that is the new rifles.

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That's like saying that the latin alphabet was invented in Phoenicia

The best European tool for killing Muslims.

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