I want to be American. I want to live in an American suburb...

I want to be American. I want to live in an American suburb. I want to have great American barbecues with my American family and neighbors. I want to watch the Super Bowl with my American friends and colleagues. I want to drive an American pickup truck. I want to drive my American pickup truck on never ending American highways. I want to celebrate Independence Day. I want to raise honest and faithful American children with my American wife and send them to American schools and colleges. I want warmth and cold, lush greenery and scorching deserts without ever leaving my homeland. I want to be part of the greatest nation and culture in history. I want to be proud. I want to be free. I want to be American.

Yure cunt
Do you know this feel

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In behalf of all cunts in this planet, no

You will always be an amerishart

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i do all of that except gay superbowl, independence day and deserts

It's heaven

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Hey dopey POOlack, remember me? Nice try, but that ain't the real HDI chart. Editing now to try and proof a point? Seems like something a poltardack would do.


I know a lot of british immigrants in my state, so it can't be that hard to get in desu

t b h I drive by this every few months and I know it's supposed to be a meme, but if you zoomed out a bit past it you'd have endless forest. most of the state is just trees on every square inch of land.

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Go blow something up or whatever you people do in your free time.
Yes, but Norway is cold and boring. And you're not free. And you're not American. Sorry.
It literally is.
I need to get my life together first. But even then I'm not highly skilled. My only hope would be marrying an American or winning the green card lottery.

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fuck off we're full

I don't know this feel and I doubt 99.9% of this country do. I respect the USA as a country, it's a nice place with many perks, but I'm very happy here and we are a great nation as well.

>I need to get my life together first. But even then I'm not highly skilled. My only hope would be marrying an American or winning the green card lottery.
what field do you work in? could you perhaps go back to school for something that international companies would desire and be willing to sponsor you for?

Hi bro I got a question for ya,
if you moved here, which out of all the 50 states and 5 union territories would you choose?
Which gun would you purchase?

Just visit and it'll dissuade you of all that really fast. Don't fall for their marketing, it's a shithole.

Absolutely this, America is a brand still living off the image created in the 1950's. It is nothing like it once was.

No, that life you described is just trash.

It's inequality adjusted HDI, or IHDI

You watched too many Pedowood movie. Reality is completely different from your fantasy.

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We have been battling in three threads now, the polak is fucking seething so hard.

Oh, well good luck with that

Cope, ameripoor

Listen well boy, US is richer than you country by GDP per capita (ppp) and polakkks like you are bring crime to England and America, Polish diaspora the scum of western civilization. Your country is an illegal state, just like israel. It should be divided between germany and belarus.

I've done jack shit with my life since leaving school. Spent some time doing "media" and freelancing stuff. I'm 21 now, so I guess there is still some time left to get into a real field of work.
Minnesota, M14.

>I want warmth and cold, lush greenery and scorching deserts without ever leaving my homeland.
so commiefornia?

Interesting choice, what is your politically ideology?

I want a cute german gf who has autism.

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>I've done jack shit with my life since leaving school
Get the fuck out of here, no one here needs you.

>I've done jack shit with my life since leaving school
Bro US is not a welfare nanny state like Germany, if you try to rely too hard on the gobernmint they will fuck you over in the end, seriously I think you would enjoy Central Asia more.

>is op he'll bent on being poor in another country with zero trade or education.

based sandnigger

>US is richer than you country
Doesn't change shit. Fuck whenever I take the train to work, I just pass endless shitholes filled with endless garbage, tents, busted rvs parked on the side of the road, and empty broken down business.