We Meds need to rally around a guy in contra to that nazi varg

I say Ronaldo is a good candidate.
He is rich, fit , has brown eyes and hair.

Attached: Cristiano_Ronaldo_2018.jpg (613x920, 378.33K)

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nice thread

Fuck varg that blonde nordic barbarian subhuman.
We need a med hero like Ronaldo.

you're a fucking Imbecile

Attached: MED BVLL.jpg (638x1074, 108.16K)

you are not med, jewish incel and ronaldo is literally BLACK

100% phoenician

Dude could beat the shit out of varg.


Attached: med T pose.jpg (200x154, 6.85K)

My Judean friend is Mediterranean

>t. Mohammed Refugee

He is the king of med bvlls

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moor, he is a fat cow
have you never seen that webm of varg throwing punches?


Ronaldo is not med, he's Atlantic

So who do you suggest instead?
He must be a chad.

He wouldn't lower himself to debate with Varg

Attached: 1565595787077.png (929x365, 75.34K)

I thought you hate meds, shahar

he can't keep getting away with it

Attached: taleb holy roman empire.png (638x500, 49.36K)

He's from Saint Helier, in the island of Jersey, under British jurisdiction but historically French. Thus a proper Normand gentleman.
Nothing in common with those southron subhumans.

the holy roman empire had more legitimace than those decadent, homosexual heretics

Dont let nazis be part of your identity

>we meds

oh lord

Why do you pay attention to those idiota? Let them sperg alone and they will die there alone, if their bases are weak they will fall apart alone

Israel is more med than us tho, we're cod fish intelligence tier.

gaynaldo who flies to morroco to get fucked in the ass by moorish bulls? that'll do

If by med you mean the med sea then they are. If by med you mean european med countries historically the answer is no of course
> we're cod fish intelligence tier.
speak by yourself

Even when he was in england he was sucking.


Med is Mediterranean. Israel borders the mdeiterranean sea.
in fact the Mediterranean sea ends in Gibraltar, and Portugal has 0km of coast running along the aforementioned sea.
So, strictly speaking Israel, Syria and Lebanon are more Mediterranean than Portugal.

And adding to that, if we take by measurement the historical influence that the Roman empire and the Latin world has had in those territories, the land that constitutes today's Israel has has much more Roman influence than Portugal, dating back to biblical times.

That's exactly what i've said:If they want us in a med union with arabs or levantines we are out of it and gladly.

Attached: d_afonsohenriquesI021sr-2-portugl1.jpg (255x350, 6.8K)

Modern Israelis are flyover Germans and poles though

>the land that constitutes today's Israel has has much more Roman influence than Portugal, dating back to biblical times.

This is some kind of joke? what language do speak the french, italians, portuguese and spanish? what language they speak in israel.? Do you want to even comparethe number of roman cities they had in iberia than those of israel? roads etc 2 roman emperors were from here