Who are the most attractive European people in average?

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Slovenian sissies desu

Would unironically do it

whoever has the least fat

Her dicksucking lips make me hard every time

That's a thing?

absolutely, for example we have a Slovenian twink that posts with regularity

I don't think I've ever seen him. Got any pics?

negative unfortunately, but he posts fairly frequently in the gay threads just keep your eyes peeled and ask nicely and surely he will share

Stupid question. We all know that its Nordic people


There's sissies in Slovenia?


Irish of course


central European slavs.

Slovenia, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia.

all serbian girls in croatia are hot.

we all know it fucking isnt bongs. pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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Poles look like goblins.

depends, worst looking ones absolutely do but above average ones look like russian models imho

Polish imo

Women: Russian no contest. French/Italian/Romanian high up

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any med country

English cope


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i love irish from dept of my soul but this propaganda is so hilarious

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Only anglos can make this kind propaganda...

>Serb siding with the English
Based for being absurd

Nords unironically look like fucking bimbos. Central European girls, Iberians and Italians all are way better.

I agree
