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Other urls found in this thread:




Anyone who unironically disagrees with this sentiment deserves to die.

Clogwog is what is known in some schools as a fucking lazy thick nigger.

I mean yeah

Just think The Smiths had some nice songs. Simple as.

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guatemala be sneeding me

poo stinks like shit

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>wake up
>see this
Wat do?

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prob gonna ping n tha at a bassline event ya get me

wen ya hr tha wobble n tha n ur on a bare harsh comeup n en u get over tha


poo lmao

>you should feel guilty about being part of a certain group despite me constantly telling you that it shouldn't exist

succ on her tits

hate this type of meme where its just a scene from something entirely unrelated with writing over it. It's fucking lazy

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yeah mad that

HOWLING at the fact this man is still paid to be a political pundit or taken seriously in any way

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report her to police for breaking quarantine

consistency is a loser's game, why wouldn't you maximise your happiness

what you gonna do when the lockdown ends lad?

And when you're dancing and laughing
And finally living
Hear my voice in your head
And think of me kindly

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hug a fat bitch from my school
that’s it

How scrotal. truly the soundtrack to a family noncer

how is she so sultry and dirty all the time fuggg

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Need to go to a dnb night again, last time for me was Let it Roll Halloween at Brixton

I’m impressed by 190s range
he’s the only /brit/ user I try to imagine irl, and fail

>everyone knows keanu reeves can't act for shit
>everyone knows the john wick movies are fucking terrible

what gives? is he just THAT reddit he gets a pass?


Do you girls have any heckin puppers?

Capitalism has failed us

Simple as

>Patrick Vallance tells the 5pm daily press conference that there’s an active review on wearing of masks, looking at new evidence, and makes clear they will change their guidance if they feel necessary

You know clogwog’s bawling his little eyes out when he spams that fucking pic for the ten thousandth time like its an own. I don’t even think he has the social awareness to understand why its a goofy photo. He’s just seen other people do it.

rave ting haaaa

shut up battyman

was he chattin u

now f a m so stop gassin n tha bc no one asked


my days

>what gives? is he just THAT reddit he gets a pass?
"we need some dude to pander to the general public"
so they pick him

no, just dogs

STFU Mboko, you fucking ape.

refuse to dignify that with a response

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A moment of silence for all the Enlightenment era liberals who were the leftypol of their day, who criticised monarchy, hierarchies, slavery, the Church, and all other kinds of traditions- because nowadays those same Enlightenment liberals are hated as "old dead, racist, privileged straight white men" by the modern left.

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yeah you tell em, em

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190 be like brap brapppp skkkklklklklklt gonna nonce my family members peng ting wazzup westside! lmao XD underlined 100

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thoughts on hard techno?

me on the right

clogwog once said "on the rope" instead of "on the ropes"
I bet he doesn't even get what that even refers to

The most pathetic part is that it needs to be said lmfao. Gimme. a fucking. break.


Just sharted out a flame

fuck off sargon


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can emmett and clogwog get a room already
or at least bitch over discord with the other nonces

But did you do it in Walmart


mad that bob marleys dad was a 60yo white englishman

how are you lads holding up?

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who else is westside? i am.
how is your westside? mine is real comfy and fun, but also murders.


Did the poor little froggy poo get a boo boo and do a cry oh noo. GROUP HUG.

is he still talking about me? I have leaf flags filtered

If you watched the press conference today the way he answered that question didn't imply a U-turn at all.

The guy who asked the question ignorantly asked if they'd change tack in the face of new evidence expecting Patrick Valance to say no and Valance jumped on it and gleefully replied "Yes that's the whole point of science". He was saying if they see conclusive evidence to support wearing masks then they'll tell people to wear masks but, as yet, no such evidence exists as far as they (the UK) are concerned.

It's a known fact hairy bollocks spread corona

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I haven’t had a girlfriend in 1164 days so absolutely fucking shit.
But relative to that, eh

why is schizo getting so riled up about crying wojaks and pepes lately lmfao

>nowadays those same Enlightenment liberals are hated as "old dead, racist, privileged straight white men" by the modern left.
The modern left, for which they lay the groundwork?

You can tell Emmett isn't secretly Jewish because he has a low verbal IQ
If he was more intelligent there'd be a chance of it

i have you filtered

I don't reckon you're from 'round here! Well, pffft, stuck outside on a night of the hunt! Ahh, you poor, poor thing...Hah hah hah!

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>toned abs

she wishes

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>toned abs
Lmao wat

love soyjack
love gigachad

simple as

I know it's over
And it never really began
But in my heart it was so real
And you even spoke to me, and said :
"If you're so funny
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
And if you're so clever
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
If you're so very entertaining
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
If you're so very good-looking
Why do you sleep alone tonight ?
I know...

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Yes. That's why it's ironic. They're despised by the very same monster they created

you're talking about him though

he's normally an avid proponent of the "memes"
always up to date on the latest buzzwords and such

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reading a book lmfao (a paper one)

feel like i'm an npc in a game

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Jesus christ she is fit


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>I know it's over
>And it never really began
>But in my heart it was so real

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simp cope larp incel virgin freak lmao

5000 songs on my liked songs list on Spotify

Whats your number?

marina was the pengest pop star of our age

not only are the gyms closed but the steroid supplies are disrupted. no beach bods this year.

dont know

Currently playing the FF7 remake, GF noshed me off earlier and is now cooking me a late tea, life is good lads, what are you virgin freaks up to?

1488 lol

lads can any shaggers tell us virgin freaks what its like to put your willy in a fanny?

can you describe the feeling of when you rub your willy on the outside of the fanny and then the actual inside? thanks shagger lads x

I don't have spotify

When i want to listen a song I go on YouTube eh

almost 1k :/

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read shadow over innsmouth last night
not really that interesting is it, just the actual frightening parts of the story told to the protagonist in a drunken slur and then the rest of it is the protagonist running away from fish people

Anyone watching Quiz?

Based half poo. Post Naomi scott

I only listen to my Discover Weekly on Spotify

Associating with niggers lads

Probably the worst thing about the race realist crowd is the snobbish shitting they do over Abos. Can't fucking stand it at all. Abos aren't niggers, they're gentle creatures in tune with nature and spirits and in their natural habitat they're swole and athletic as fuck. I respect Abos.

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>When i want to listen a song I go on YouTube eh

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planning my 'cide

oh ok i hardly read the post tbqh
Thought you were just another sargonite lamenting on the inevitable collapse of liberalism

If you don’t have abs year-round you don’t have abs.
you’re a closet fatass with body dysmorphia

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Was told in that in Japan, blue eyes are considered ugly and called “goat eyes”

Needless to say I am not happy

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got 8345 handpicked tunes from soulseek on my bumblebee player lad. my Internet goes out often from windstorms.
favorite bands?

I dunno what y'all heard about me ...
but that thots can very easily get a dollar out of me...
I'm (... don't even know what he's saying in this line 2bh) ..
but I'm a motherfuckin' S.I.M.P

mine doesn't say

We need to start burning accommodation

Britons are not farm animals, we do not live in cages. come out of your houses. Get the plague. Live, or die.

We will be over this quickly, we will dominate the piss pants countries who will sacrifice everything to keep their weak alive. And the world shall recognise Britain's greatness.

Light fires. MAKE Britons come out of the plague zoo. We do not run, We do not hide. WE DOMINATE. Set fires. Burn homes. We fight. We do not submit.

blue eyes are homo eyes


Just braved the virus to go get whey powder and the guy at the counter had a cough lmao fuck GNC is gonna do me in

>ay cuz you got any of that pitrul for my dreamtime cuz
>wouldn't mind a ciggie if you got one going yaknow mate, glad to hear ya support the noongah peoples
>infanticide? What's that?