
smiths edition

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lord this is all so grim

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1.3 million starving

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kek that's literally all of brit/pol/

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Why do ppl think Morrissey is racist

anyone have the youtube video of this bloke

because people don't think

he said immigration should stop

>tracing their number plate to ensure they went home

>aussie seething around the clock and crying into his anime pillow

When was the last time you put on your rollerskates and went for a skate?

arrogant normdroids

he made thinly veiled comments saying brown and black people are subhuman races and deserve to die

Did you fellas listen to Moz's new album, "I am Not a Dog on a Chain"? Honestly shocked me how good it is. "What Kind of People Live in these Houses" is a beautiful return to form, almost like a Smith's track

planet of the apes wasn't supposed to be documentary

Since the gf basically moved in to quarantine here, I haven't had more than an hour to myself in a room

Quite maddening

190 miles unmasked

oh the little aussie did seethe oh yes he did


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got called a 'disgusting cunt no-one even wants anything to do with' in the family zoom conference

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how do you watch movies over discord

What books you lot reading then?

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dad called me a basketcase once

Oh n-

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last winter there was a house fire on my street. some guy parked his car too close to the fire hydrant on the corner, so the firefighters bashed the car windows out and pulled their hose through it, even though they had plenty of room to go over/around the small car. and they also let the hose run inside his car for a minute and it all froze up.

>watch movies over discord

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He said something like "most people ultimately prefer the company of their own race" which is apparently tantamount to saying all Pakis must be lined up and shot

Gotta call the missus and my dad tonight.

All these calls I now have to make because of corona is a piss take.

Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands … So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country … I don’t want you here, in the room or in my country. Listen to me, man! I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white … The black wogs and coons and Arabs and f*cking Jamaicans don’t belong here, we don’t want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don’t want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man … This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for f*ck’s sake? … Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!

- Morrissey

He supports a political party called "For Britain" which is anti-islamic

thats grim. so glad i'm not quarantining with mine

why go on the call if they hate you?

I'm from near here and my Mum says its insane how many cunts are still coming
all the villages have signs up saying fuck offf

we have the resources to end the hunger crisis but not the will

what happened lad

The NHS is like God. If it fails to deliver it's because you didn't believe in it strongly enough.

I’ve spent all of quarantine alone haha

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Same, I've taken to going up in the attic to get a bit of personal time


my bible

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what's wrong with that statement?

alri lads

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for that analogy to be accurate, god would have to be money
and that's on the mark, for all theism

my bible

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british identity died the moment the public abandoned God

"english identity" is a racist dog whistle


play this song when making tost in the morning

joonyuh, whatchu doin on a book covuh??


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its not its english identity

Has anybody ever considered the fact that we live in a society?

how is this funny?

I need to know what happened to Alan, is he ok?

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hatting myself to rob you of the pleasure
>for that analogy to be accurate, god would have to be money
>and that's on the mark, for all theism

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allāhu ʾakbaru

Hi mu name is gregin What yours

you ever feel like you're slowly going insane?

not because of the ol' 'rona more like a gradual developing of schizophrenia over a vast number of years as you become more isolated and bitter and mentally ill

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Herodotus and Steppenwolf


holy fucking peng


gregin is an anagram of nigger


SURELY janny cannot delete this, it is a piece of art and culture

Hahahaha I wonder if he lost fans for saying that shit.

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Strings version was better.

Feeling incredibly misanthropic today

isolation is absolutely posion on the mind. combined with weed or something else like that it become 10x worse

I strongly suspect I have something like an empathy surplus . I take on the behaviours of anyone I'm closely involved with and I work with disabled people so these are almost always signals of cognitive delay /decline

mad that clapton and bowie were so coke-fuelled racist in 1976 that it actually started political concerts against the general vibe coke-fuelled racism in rock that they'd engendered

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yer it is

morrissey is a twat who cancels gigs if they can't ensure its going to be a fully vegetarian event and hasn't even lived in Britain for years so has no business commenting on topical issues relating to it

plus he raped and murdered a child in 1990

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how dare you sir

>plus he raped and murdered a child in 1990

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love the whimsy of this version

t. normie

>Herodotus casually mentioning the time the king's mistress gave birth to a lion as the actual explanation of why some old fort wasn't properly defended

>plus he raped and murdered a child in 1990
no that's us political commentator glenn beck you liar

parping like a maniac

just finished wanking to this

>plus he raped and murdered a child in 1990

i think it's a joke like the bob saget meme


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Do you like?

absolutely nothing

the first documented transexual person also hosted a huge royal dinner party and released lions on the party goers and watched from a balcony above.

god fucking damn i haven't seen any tights IRL in weeks now

>Can't do any bricklaying, scaffolding, or window-fitting, closed
>Can't go to pub, closed
>Can't go out on the lash, closed
>Can't invite mates round, closed
>Can't go to ex gf's flat for a quick shag, closed
>Can't go round me nan's for a roast, closed
>Can't watch any football, closed
>Can't bet on any football, closed
>Can't get any Greggs, closed
>Can't go to Nando's, closed
>Can't go to gym, closed
>Can't pick a fight with the uni lot in my town, closed
>Can't get another £5k loan that I use to spend on modifying my car, closed
>Can't go the McDonald's/asda car park and meet up with the lads comparing our speaker systems
>Can't listen to the roses imanbek remix while speeding around for hours
>Can't meetup with my dealer to talk about maybe getting into dealing like we do every week
>Have to stay at my current girl's flat
>Have to spend time with the little un
>Have to watch the news coz of this flu

If not for Fifa, Football Manager and free pornhub premium I might actually go nuts.

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God knows he searching for a justification as I type this

if they didnt immediately halt this carriage so the police could take her away then everyone involved here deserves to be arrested

love dogwhistling

>Macron extends France's lockdown until May 11

And they started a week before us....

ner it’s not it’s me


bit too glam than funk

he just found it

post that pic, you know the one

my hands r gonna fall of from clapping for rnhs so much

only a week. that doesnt seem so bad. expecting ours to go to june anyway

fookin shite I kno

>hehe nudes but with a rosary aren’t i naughty?
mad how women are unironically incapable of independent thought.
but hey nice tits i guess, whore.

6 months minimum lad
called it ages ago and I am literally always right

desu ive got bad news for timestop fetishers. so basically you have to travel towards and object at the same speed of the object youre travelling to. and also, since you stopped time, it also stops light photons so when you stop moving youre blind. you can only see by walking around absorbing light waves with your eyeballs. by the time you find emma watson and get close enough to touch her, you are become blind

schizophrenia is genetic

it's a marble statue you mong
a man made it

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in awe at the number of those books that haven't been opened

Because he refused to let a black man fuck hon up the arse

yeah and you're proper clever

been crying so much through lockdown

that's a statue mate....

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won’t be listening to this lockdown business for one month more

soy face is unironically based

of laughter right

reckon u got baited

literally how my body looks

Wrong, as you move you move into the stationary photons so your eyes would pick them up.

might have a fag

it's hard

sculpted by a man as well

not entirely

nah the schizo incel rage is genuine

I'm waitin I'm waitin I'm waitin I'm waitin for angels to carry me back home

>local schizo shouts at statue

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Is there anything more pathetic than whoring your toddler age kid on social media for likes and attention? put your phone away and raise your child you estrogenic cunt.

there's no such thing as time

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>user. user. i farted and followed through now the bed is saturated in liquid shit, piss and period blood. you still want to have sex?

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Haven't got to that part yet. I got to the part where the Egyptians, trying to preserve their kingdom from the Persian king Camybese, send the Persians a concubine, saying it was actually Cambyses' real mom who had been living in Egypt the whole time, so please don't come destroy Egypt

>oh no! I'm going to die if I don't socialise!

stay home, save lives

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time stop is for plebes
what's the point if they're unaware

who is this
and whom is he going to get?

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the gorilla

mad how easily fake schizo baits these people

yeah but when your eyes absorb the photons,then get sucked into your eyes and vanish as you are in motion. you'd have to popout emma watsons tits from like 3 feet away with a stick, then very slowly move your head forward like half a milimeter at a time to see them properly long enough to get a cum off