fuck vegans edition
shes right
how come.. right...
used to be, people said "excuse me" right...
but NOW, they're all like "take a step back please"
ya know?
hannibal season 1 . jpg
How long does ket last?
I bought a bag before christmas and have hardly touched it since
lads if you were a tranny what would your girl name be?
I hate americans
no she stupid
Alice obviously.
rihanna stefani
it degrades quite quickly so use 2-3x what you would when fresh
drugs last a long time if stored out of the sun lad
Might lose like 1% potency for a year
MDMA literally lasts thousands of years
love that show even if it's shit
what did she mean by this?
i think what you mean is what would your weird fetish name be, because men simply cannot be girls its physically impossible
this is 190
>are we the baddies?
I know mandy lasts a long time, I took 8 month old MD before and it was fine
It's been stored out of sunlight for the whole time too
Mum says if I was a girl my name would be denise
since I've never given it any thought I'll use that
was the underground railroad an actual subway system? like can tourists have a shot on it
If you have a problem with the OP pic you're a domesticated runt
Hunting is primal. It's who we are. It's what all life is.
She has soulless eyes.
it's funny, it's sad, it's me
it wasn't shit, didn't deserve to be cancelled
it was very unique
yes. and back then people were very small compared to now. so to go thru it now you have to do tha samus metroid ball thing to get on in it
Yeah it’ll be fine
I imagine most drugs we consume have been stored in a warehouse in Europe for months before consumption anyways
you're name is male because you are male
you can never be female and having a female name as a male is stupid and will lead to bullying
you...realize flying ANYTHING is prohibitively expensive right? most companies make little money from passengers and rely on sensitive cargo to "pay" most of the costs of a trip.
you cant even see them properly lmao you deranged wog
>want to visit the UK
How do I avoid being bullied for being American? I just want to make some friends and explore the comfy countryside
Actually the way humans live in the wild is more like bears and pigs. Mostly digging for roots and grubs, finding some berries. Very occasionally hunting, with he understanding you will probably not catch anything.
is this legit
by staying in america were you belong
>and will lead to bullying
thats the plan retard
ripping out it's heart and making your offspring eat it raw so you can show off on Facebook is a bit much desu