working out edition
did you work out before the quarantine? Do you work out now? DO YOU EVEN LIFT BROS?
How's your diet like? Will our dads ever love us?
working out edition
did you work out before the quarantine? Do you work out now? DO YOU EVEN LIFT BROS?
How's your diet like? Will our dads ever love us?
Other urls found in this thread:
I never went to the gym but at least I try to eat healthy
Kill me, Pete
May I have your attention.
Where should I explore if I visit? I would like a mix of cozy soukh, medina-style city architecture and unspoilt nature and lots of tasty local food I can't find elsewhere.
I think it has to do with the concept of independent Algeria, your average Algerian is paranoid about getting invaded, we kind of isolate ourselves and avoid contact with other cultures. Don't you see how Algeria always pass under the radar unnoticed? We aren't popular. Of course government played a huge role on this, they could have made effort but it probably didn't suit their interest. "Dans le royaume des aveugles le borgne est roi".
I have done a lot of great things in my life, but I have never seen my father look at me as proudly as he did when the MRI technician congratulated me on my shoulder muscles that were "elite athlete-tier" and asked what sport I compete in.
what the fuck is he doing lmao
>did you work out before the quarantine?
If walking counts, then yes. But I did stop doing that a while ago.
>Do you work out now?
Heavy stuff for my mother.
>How's your diet like?
Not the best.
>Will our dads ever love us?
I'm sure he does, for some reason.
I read this fascinating article about the power structure in Algeria last year
What the hell happens after Bouteflika??
Nope. I gave up
>*makes you a massive meal*
even if they don't make it, they still "encourages" you to eat something that is available kek
go on
you have it
Fuck this.
I hereby declare that I will not masturbate until the quarantine is lifted.
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post shoulders
desu I'd do shit like that if I wasn't self conscious
why user?
Administration militaire de la Belgique et du Nord de la France Free Corsica La Grande Débâcle The Vichy France Regime of 1940 Occupation Allemande Collaboration The Vichy France Vel' d'Hiv Roundup Camp d'internement de Drancy Joseph Darnand The Révolution Nationale Milice Française Guerre d’Algérie The Parisian Massacre of October 17th 1961 Maurice Papon The Catholic and Royal Vendean Army Mouvement Civitas Action Française Independance of Corsica Royalistes The Brittany Republic Attentats Bretons Célestin Lainé Nationalisme Breton Gwenn ha Du Division Charlemagne État Français Pierre Laval The Basque Autonomous Region Légion des volontaires français contre le bolchevisme Zone Occupé Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior Parti populaire français Rassemblement national populaire vichystes Entrevue de Montoire Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy Wagon de l’Armistice Lois sur le statut des Juifs du régime de Vichy Dreyfus Affair Collaborationnisme Philipe Pétain Mouvement social révolutionnaire Test de Paternité.
My gym got damaged in the floods back in December and just as it was going to be reopened, the quarantine shut all gyms. The universe is sending me signs that I should remain fat.
just eat less bro
extremely based
The russian that made this is retarded though, most of this is not controversial
- Too much effort for too little reward.
- Don't care how my body looks like.
- Also injury
Don't try to convince me idc anymore
I first wrote a fuck boomers but I removed it for some reason
the only thing I have to say, it's that it's fun
if you've tried the fun shit and you still didn't like it, fair enough
My stomach is stronger than my brain. The mind is weak and the flesh is strong.
Test de paternité ou pas, si c'est pour vivre dans le doute et l'anxiété ça vaut pas le coup
Puis si un jour je découvre que c'est pas mon gosse, c'est fini je me tire une balle
That's all you get, you've not even posted your diddly form yet.
Proxy ?
Paternity test are regulated, not forbidden.
>The Vichy France Regime of 1940
la république ain't free, the fields of france must be littered with the blood of freedom fighters, charles de gaulle aka "churchill's little bitch" is not my général, he is a coward and probably gommunist as well :DDD joan of arc not marianne the bitch ok praise le maréchal
i just copypasted that post from the archive, what do you mean they are regulated, in what way?
check the other thread, retard
nice ass, Kassandra
Where's Ikaros?
at ur mom's house :DDDDD
Try shoving yourself full of veggies (like raw spinach) and then reduce your ordinary meal sizes.
kargiaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Basically a test is ordered by a judge
If you want to prove a kid is yours or not (for paperwork or to have/not pay child money), you can
But if your wife has a kid, you don't just take some sample and send it behind the back of people to be sure
you have to do legal stuff
Anyway, even if you could, that would not be accepted by a judge since who know if you send the right thing
I should add, it's just not paternity test, but all kinds of adn testing that is severly restricted (mostly allowed for police in some cases basically)
Look like you're bending your elbows a bit and you're not keeping your posture right (probably because you're relaxing your lower back and core).
Also, you cannot call people retarded if you've deadlifted with a plastic knight helmet.
You spoiled it now, I was gonna send this choco to you as a gift :((
I did something similar when I had to lose a bunch of weight last time, except it was sliced pickles and Swedish salad instead of spinach. Eventually stopped because I got bad acid reflux, but I dropped from 100kg to 80kg on it, so it was worth it.
Despite being a fatass, I miss the gym a lot. I hate exercise, but the post-workout meals and post-workout showers make it all worthwhile. And you can eat more and not get fat.
>Look like you're bending your elbows a bit
i'm not
>you're not keeping your posture right (probably because you're relaxing your lower back and core).
yeah it's not even 40kg, I didn't brace
>Also, you cannot call people retarded if you've deadlifted with a plastic knight helmet.
I'd rather not show my face, retard
Now, post shoulders
oh shit
it's ok, it's the thought that matters
>Anyway, even if you could, that would not be accepted by a judge
what does it matter, you no longer need to justify a reason for a divorce, if later they want to make you pay for him you can always repeat the test legally
I'm not saying you're doing it to divorce.
but so the kid is proved to not be yours officially
here if you do it as soon as she gave birth without having a reason to believe you're a cuck, it will just piss your wife
i either run or do basic calisthenics in the morning. usually pretty light
>fuck nordoids
The results are in, you tested positive for AIDS. I'm sorry
Banned again for nothing. Woo hoo
Well then try other foods with the same approach. Also just look at what you eat and try to find tasty alternatives here and there.
For example I used to eat quark, nuts and a banana before going to bed. But I experienced one time that eating blue berries with the banana in the quark satisfied me enough too. I could probably do more if I wasn't lazy.
But there is a solution to the puzzle.
Also you could do other sports too where losing fat is beneficial. For me the gym alone does not do it, so I do a variety fo watersports to stay fit and I learn a cool skill too.