Sayuri is now living in a house full of gym bros in the middle of a favela

Sayuri is now living in a house full of gym bros in the middle of a favela.

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his boipussy is being pounded hourly

Living the dream


God I wish it were me.


her new boyfriend. Do you even lift? this is how you get a cute girl.

The funniest part is that she is only there cause her ex-boyfriend insisted.

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Imagine the smell. Of God imagine the smell

Yas Forums was right.

Is Brazil really that gay?

>Could have any name at all
>Go for a weeb one
Yet another reminder of the anime turning people into trannys menace

is it really gay if it looks like a girl

if you don't suck their dick it's not a gay relationship lol

i wish i were gril

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>Pay for your trap gf's(male) tits
>He becomes more attractive and cheats on you for a favela chad
Suicide fuel for him desu

I would only want to be a cute gril


I envy "her"

She has a instagram?
I want to lick her tongue

>Has a harem of scantily clad brasilian bundas walking around his mention
>Still goes for felipe

Is this the power of boipussi?

Does that guy have an ayy lmao tattoo? This guy is based. Good for all parties involved.

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I am keking imagining this pasty ass white boy going around the favela in his anime skirts, or twerking to funk in some of his bf's favelado bros churrasco with his bulge sticking out of the thong. It's amazing someone born a man is this much of a bimbo.

Stop posting trannies pls, it triggers the dysphoria




This happened to me.
I had a gf a few years ago that wanted bigger melons, so I paid for her surgery(even got in temporary debt). Less than one year later she found a italian asshole and broke with me.
Last I heard she was living in Italy, hope corona kills her

>2mil subs
>still live in a favela
What's with Brazillians, this is like Adriano

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I was wondering this as well. He has a shit ton of YouTube views, 2m IG followers, and in some videos hes showing off brand new cars.. so he is obviously loaded. Yet he chooses to live like this, why?

It's why Sweet didn't leave the Grove behind. Even if you get money everyone you know and care about lives there. Most people don't want to just cut ties with their whole life, they'd rather stay where they are and try to make their life there better.

Yes, it is.
>Impudicitia might be associated with behaviors in young men who retained a degree of boyish attractiveness but were old enough to be expected to behave according to masculine norms. Julius Caesar was accused of bringing the notoriety of infamia upon himself, both when he was about 19, for taking the passive role in an affair with King Nicomedes of Bithynia,

She's not blonde though

Do you guys think it's possible he actually doesn't know?

Neither is Felipe

living in a favela is sort of an inverted status symbol for some people, as long as you have money, which is why white middle class sluts like Sayuri go there

I live in a favela and I don't pay electricity and water bill or any kind of tax. I use my air conditioner 12 hours a day.

only pros, my friends.

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