>Why yes, I do have a Calc 3 test in 3 hours that I haven't studied for. How could you tell?
Why yes, I do have a Calc 3 test in 3 hours that I haven't studied for. How could you tell?
Other urls found in this thread:
What's in calc 3? Lagrange and vector fields?
yeah basically, and triple integrals and shit and partial derivatives
>wtf, this isnt math there are too many letters!
just cheat bro
I stopped at calc 1. Dont like math.
>I don’t feel like a taking a test right now professor. Why don’t you make yourself useful and take it for me
>Study? But this is an online class now
>no I’m not gonna turn my music down. I don’t care if it’s disruptive and interrupting the lecture
>school is online now?
>I’m not downloading a Chinese backdoor software and I’m not downloading trannycord. You’re just going to have to give me an A
>Calculus? Sorry I only believe in finite numbers.
You can't really cheat on an online calc 3 test if your prof wrote the questions
>Question 4 can't be solved prof, Symbolab isn't giving me an answer
>What do you mean that's cheating? This is an online class and I use online tools.
>What do you mean I can't always rely on online tools?
Based symbolab chad
too stupid for math
unironically ill help u pass ur test if u tell me the questions
>sorry mr. lanter, zoom doesn't work on linux so I can't participate in the lectures looks like you'll just have to give me an A
weird how calculus starts ebinhard with integrals and then gets easier
typically is multivariate calculus
>its just numbers bro
wut, calculus begins with derivatives. no one learns integral calculus before differential calculus.
People really use it in universities?
I'm still in Calc 1 so yes
From my experience
Calc 1 - easy highschool followup stuff
Calc 2 - fucking hated it
Calc 3 - was okay
We learn derivatives in high school
nah OP here im pretty confident desu, got A's on my first two
are limits not considered calculus?
>you guys ready to mic spam the class?
>alright lets do it
does this happen? lmao
I know from my little brother that there's a massive discord server full of high school kids who post the links to the teacher's zoom and then like 50 kids come in and ruin the class
No. but it should.
>Study? Why the fuck would I study when I can just join the class discord of 200 members where everybody posts the homework
Isn't it an online exam ? just cheat then.