Can any MENA confirm this?

Can any MENA confirm this?

Attached: EVcdS6wXkAA4Nep.png (576x677, 500.11K)

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I'll just leave this right here.

Attached: typical saudi man.webm (270x480, 2.87M)

This is so disgusting and hot at the same time

Clearly made by insecure sunnis.

guy on the right is chicano tho

wtf shahar i thought you hated this gay board and liked white women

Pic related is Saudi :3

Attached: r9pKguZ.jpg (617x990, 112.21K)

Oh boy he surely got stoned to death.

name ?

اللهم زلزل الارض تحت أقدامهم و شتت جمعهم و أجعل كيدهم في نحرهم و أجعل تدبيرهم تدميرهم و أرنا فيهم عجائب قدرتك فأنهم لا يعجزونك اللهم انهم قد بغوا علينا و انت أعلم بهم اللهم لا ينقضي هذا الشهر إلا و أريتنا فيهم جبروتك . اللهم أمين


>saudi """males"""

اللهم شتت شملهم وفرق جمعهم وفرط تدبيرهم وخرب بنيانهم وبدل احوالهم وقرب آجالهم واقطع اعمارهم واشغلهم بأبدانهم وخذهم اخذ عزيز مقتدر ياقهار ياقهار ياقهار ياجبار ياجبار ياجبار

Attached: 1527954901044.jpg (453x535, 30.79K)

>Can any MENA confirm this?
I am not but I disapprove anyway.

Iran in the Olympic games:
21 Gold Medals (10 in Wrestling and 9 in Weightlifting), 21 Silver Medals, 27 Bronze Medals

Saudi Arabia:
0 Gold Medals, 1 Silver Medals, 2 Bronze Medals

I mean, farsoids were trannies throughout the history, is there anything surprising about this?

Transexuality is legal and paid for by the government because Muhammad says its ok as long as you don't commit sodomy

Actually Iranians are often buff as fuck.
They are often unemployed because there is no work so the popular hobbies are eating, smoking and lifting. In the veening drinking shitty whine and smuggled beer.

They dont do much else so they often end up big.
But they never train legs like most muslims and look like chickens.

>These spelling mistakes
Im tired. Sorry.


Attached: E4892249-4FA2-40B8-BBD2-4D79FE1ABEC4.jpg (1242x1839, 610.45K)

Yo, i thought faggots get stoned to death in those places

But that's only in Iran, the guy in the video is in Saudi Arabia.

No one in the middle east cares about anything and aside from stealing and murder nothing actually happens to you despite laws

Someone post the Dravidian and brahmin BVLLS to btfo these Jewish cousins.

Shut up Xbox logo kyrgyz nigger.

iranians are kunis

Chobash coony kera mara bokho

DAMN, iranian boys look like THIS?

yes, If you're gay in Iran the government will pay for your SRS and turn you into a cute girl

The Saudi should be 300 pounds

Attached: 1568258985281.png (600x489, 317.39K)

Why does this make me hard?

Because you're straight

If we invade I'm going into the army as an officer and taking myself a war bride (male)

What happened I’m a phonefag

A young arab man dressed as a delicious flat chested brown lady dances around surrounded by Saudi millennials. They have a laugh.



He has some nice hips

Damn sounds hot lol


Attached: hajja.jpg (717x615, 120.35K)