falafelpunk edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for mena
First for ארץ ישראל השלמה
based bread
Alri lads.
Good night
based thread
second for my menabros
First for proud yet introspective Arabs and the Levantine renaissance.
Why do you sleep at this early hour?
Everyone is beautiful
kek has said it, uglyness exists.
That does not overrule that everyone had some sort if beauty.
Hello /Mena/ it's been a long time
what does mena stand for? middle eastern news agency?
fuck off you unfunny putrid rat
damn i dread the day my family finds out that am a lowkey weeb. How did they find out if you dont mind me asking?
well hello there turkey
fuuny this Gayreek was spamming wojak 24/7 in 2019
Say that again
You smell bad
i feel like stale bread.
Just take a shower
they see me watching it on tv through HDMI, i got used to it
الحياة صعبة يا صغاري
>tfw no Iranian tranny gf to play "who cums farther" with
leave him alone user you have no idea what it feels like to be rejected by both middle easterns and Europeans. He has an existential crisis
You tricked me
my soul has exited my material body seeing as it is incapable of handling the state of miserableness i'm in.
i literally feel like i'm not even the person typing this post.
Faggots should get the death penalty.
هههههههههههه xDDDDD