Being middle eastern is being superior to all

It's like I'm the man standing at the top. Those beneath us are all, our equals are non.

All civilization, literature, history, culture, ideas, and so on come from us. We were basically always the most powerful and most important in the world. Non can compete with us. Non.
I can see why during european colonialism the lesser inferior peoples would think that europeans were advanced and great. Like I wouldn't be surprised if that's how people in Vietnam think. However this can never be the case with us. As we are middle eastern. We are the first kings.

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>UAE flag
yeah you're probably a bangladeshi

Bro, we are shit, our countrymen are fleeing by hoarders to go live in Europe.
I wish I was born as a handicapped elephant than a shittle eastern

Arabic sounds barbaric with its aspirated sounds. The only two languages that can ruin my day just by being spoken near me are Arabic and Spanish.

even in remote villages in the congolese-burindian mountain jungles people have phones with internet nowadays

fuck off I'm middle eastern. You'll speak with me properly lowlife

then you don't know or understand who you are.Remember that you're a king bro

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More like getting carried by persians,kurds,turks,brits and literally being their fuck toys for over an Millenium

and your language sounds like sissies speaking while deep throating. You're day is ruined because you remember that your language can never be an equal to the peak of Semitic speech.

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>as a sandnigger I blablablablabla....
*yawn* Oh, what? Sorry, I was busy having a better life.

how deluded. You can't even begin to understand how impenetrable the middle east is to outsiders. Undefeated, Unshredded.

a snownigger of all people would type this... made me chuckle really

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The infinite cope

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is this how you lie to yourself? i post facts. the burden of disprove lies on you

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He's Indian-Pinoy-Indo-Paki-Black mutt

>muh history
I don't give a shit. Middle East is a shithole now. I'll enjoy my high quality of life in a safe country.

t. peaked 6000 years ago
oh no no no

It''s not just history. Even by people we're greater than you. And today we're still greater than you.
even today all the history books will focus on the middle east. While Finland well always be a footnote in the history books. You will sooner or later return to your natural place of being a shithole.

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you meant to type that we were continuously at the top for 6000 years. if we peak again you'll just be slaves. it's best you don't think about it and just accept life and truth for what they are

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Is it a normal occurrance for vpniggers to role play other nationalities and post bait threads here

the greatest gift bestowed upon me is that I was born arab

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refer to this post Pajeet:

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ITT copers that are desperately lying to themselves so they don't have to face the truth that's staring looking them in the eye

you know it

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same, dunno why butt I really hate spanish, but like french and italian which are similar to spanish. I think a part of it is that I connect the spanish language with very shitty pop songs liked by NPCs and having any interest in spanish makes me feel lika NPC

I wrote with my left hand only because I just fapped. PLs disregard the mistakes. Going to clean myself now

Americans are the superior race only the strongest of us survive to adulthood.

americans are weak and fragile

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see what you've done:

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proper bump

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Son. the whole Arab youth should look up to you

you are nothing more than a bunch of hyenas

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إن هذه الأمة تمرض لكنها لا تموت ، و تغفـو لكنها لا تنـام ، فـلا تيأسوا فإنكم سترون عزكم ، متى عدتم لربكم”

- بن باز

the worst part about this picture, Bin Laden was a massive Weeb, so he'd probably love that comparison

and your people are nothing but an Arab sperm and french ovum

better than being larping as a half euro arab jew feeded by anime and esoteric webbo misticims

the delusion is strong here, you drink too much camel piss achmed
