Do Brazilians really?

Do Brazilians really?

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I mean, really?

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>soltar pipa na laje

God please let me fuck her.
I want that body soo much.

Also, is she a favelada?

Is that yakult? That's a big yakult if so.

Imagine being an internet star and still living in such dire conditions. That tranny is a brainlet. He could be living here instead EASILY, but no, he has 2-digit IQ

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guy in the middle looks like obama

Not that easy. There are plenty of hot faveladas out there.

and they stay faveladas because their brain won't allow them to get ahead in life. How is Felipe not even on brazilian TV by now, dude is honestly stoopid or needs a PR manager

Because while she's hot, she isn't really anything exceptional.
Besides the favelas provide you with easy sex with multiple people and extremely cheap drugs. Richfags by another hand are all prudes


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why wont he do porn already holy shit

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Kill yourselves

This I would pay a lot for her porn

It's the first time I got attracted to a man

Formerly keep living

do they?

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do you a instagram or something?

no, Romanian user is just obsessed with her and posts webms and pics of her very often
I just save them

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She is hot, with or without winor.

she's so cute

When I see Felipe, I start thinking consent is not that important

You can't rape her

Dirty ass socks

What a beautiful country. Hope Bolsonaro doesn't fuck you guys over coronga virus.

Are you the town rapist?

>*steals your girlfriend(male)*
nothing personal bro

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He wears pink unironically, I can't compete.

imagine being bold enough to wear all that pink
impressive, no wonder Felipe couldn't resist that charm

hope that monkey causes a ND and that abomination dies