Wat da fök I thought Spain was first world
Wat da fök I thought Spain was first world
>clean streets
>nice cars
It sure aint 3rd world.
>poor areas exist in countries that are seemingly wealthy
Whoa. Won't find that shit in Finland.
It is not a plastic garden chair
>seemingly wealthy
hearty kek from me friend
That's like the poorest part of Spain and it looks better than most of Chile while also being a lot safer
what I'd like to know is if they use ladders to get to the second level of the house in Spain.
You don't really since this is practically a commie country.
So this is the where they took the gold from my people to. Wow.
They spent it all in paellas and bitches
This. It's a symptom of soulful people. Soulless people save or invest.
It is just an old building nothing 3rd world about that
>your people
raus then
I thought you had gypsies in Finland as well
Better than UK
These pic is undate.That village was rebuilding about 2 years ago with UE´s money loan.
I saved this pic too a week or so ago during that Spain soul or soulless thread. I think its kind of beautiful and I wouldn't mind hanging out in that neighborhood. Glad to see this photo captured someone else's imagination too
What are among the poorest/most ghetto areas of the Netherlands?
So this is the prosperous post-Brexit Britain I've heard so much about
Oud-Crooswijk, Rotterdam is the poorest neighbourhood in the Netherlands
Good towns are at the coast
yes, I know plenty of people that have retired there
>Good towns are at the coast
los pueblos en la costa mediterranea son todos feos excepto tres
Excepto 3 = 300
los 60s y los turistas los jodieron para siempre
estan que dan asco la gran mayoria
why does boris always look so sad?
He carries the knowledge that the public must be protected from.
It's the pain of backstabbing his friend
Rate my serranito con patatas.
He knows he is fucked. God told him.